News and information


OEAD Science Ambassador Hannah Riedl discusses music therapy with high school students in Vienna

As a music therapist, researcher, lecturer and now Science Ambassador for OEAD, Hannah Riedl brings music therapy to life in the classroom. She combines interactive presentations with the joy of music and shows the fascinating world of research behind the effectiveness of music therapy.

Hannah offers workshops with practical components several times per term (school levels SEK I, SEK II), either online or in school. More information about her profile can be found here (in German).

(c) OEAD

Hannah Riedl | OEAD Science Ambassador with students in the 9th and 10th classes speaking about "Music therapy - how does it work?"

Long Night of Research [Lange Nacht der Forschung] | 24. Mai 2024

17-23:00 at Heldenplatz

The Department of Music Therapy and WZMF will have a stand at the Long Night of Research on May 24, 2024. Hannah Riedl (senior scientist) and Sofie Himmelbauer (Student assistant) will represent the department and research centre with the stand entitled "How does music work in your life? Discover the effect of music and music therapy". The event takes place from 17-23:00 at Heldenplatz. Come by and say hello! More Information (in German) can be found here.

Music therapy in the media

ORF1 recently interviewed Univ.-Prof. dr. med. dr. sc. mus. Thomas Stegemann, head of the Institute for Music Therapy, about music therapy and the areas in which it can be useful. Watch these two interviews to find out more!

In welchen Bereichen ist die Musiktherapie wirklich sinnvoll? 

Wie wirkt die Musik auf den Körper?

Upcoming "Music Therapy with Families Hub" Online Event | Saturday, March 16, 2024

MST: 9:00 - 12:00 am (e.g.Arizona)   |   GMT: 4:00 - 7:00 pm (e.g. UK)   |   CET: 5:00 - 8:00 pm (e.g. AUT, D,SWE..)  via Zoom
Presentations will be held in English, Spanish and Portuguese (with English subtitles).

Programme, registration and detailled  information HERE...


Monitoring music therapy in Austria 2022: A national survey study on the professional situation of music therapists

Primary data and first results are now available HERE...


Proceedings of the Symposium Music Therapy with Families available online!

You can find detailled information about all presentations, workshops & posters of this event here...



Presentation of the "ProMiMiC" (Professional Excellence in Meaningful Music in Healthcare) Project - December 4, 2023

On Monday December 4th, 2023 the "ProMiMiC" project will be presented. Speakers from the Department of Music Therapy include Prof. Dr. Thomas Stegemann and Mag.a Laura Bezold. Registration for this exciting event (in German) via!



New Video-Clip about "Vocal Intervention with cystic fibrosis" [in German]:
Mag.a Johanna Zachhuber und Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sc. mus Thomas Stegemann


impuls wissen. Das Gesundheitsmagazin zum Staunen

The Department of Music Therapy and the Music Therapy Research Centre Vienna (WZMF) were visited by the health magazine impuls wissen.

The article MUSIKTHERAPIE: AUF DIE BEZIEHUNG KOMMT ES AN (in German only) includes a video in which lecturers and students of the music therapy training programme participated.