Attachment-focused aspects of MusicPlayTherapy

A music therapy approach for young children (04 years) and their caregivers viewed from an attachment theory perspective

Attachment theory is a central concept of modern developmental psychology and highly relevant for music therapy work across the lifespan. Having an available and sensitive enough caregiver who is able to meet elementary basic needs for closeness and security is of great importance for any child. In the long term this represents an important protection and resilience factor for a healthy development even under difficult conditions. Music therapy can be beneficial to reinforce sensitive attunement of the parental behaviour to the child´s signals and needs and to facilitate positive emotional exchanges within the dyad.

MusicPlayTherapy” (German: “MusikSpielTherapie”) is a music therapy approach for families with infants or toddlers (0−4 years) that was developed in Berlin (Germany) by Katrin Stumpner and Cornelia Thomsen. The main focus of this video-based work lies on the quality of relationship and the parent-child-interaction. The infant and his/her caregiver attend weekly music therapy sessions, each of them videotaped, and accompanied by parent counselling sessions. Working closely with the caregiver supports him/her to further develop mentalizing skills and is of fundamental importance for the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. When linked to the experiences they have made in musical play with their child, parent-child interaction can be more easily addressed and reflected. Moreover, this approach also workes on aspects such as sensitivity, emotional availability or successful affect regulation, which are important for the sustainable development of secure attachment and bonding.

In a first step, this research project reviews the concept of MusicPlayTherapy (German: “MusikSpielTherapie”) . Previously unpublished materials and documents are edited in cooperation with the founders. Subsequently, this music therapy approach is discussed from an attachment theory perspective, which results from the author`s many years of involvement with attachment theory, attachment research and attachment-based therapeutic approaches. Music therapeutic interventions and techniques that are particularly suitable to support mutual attuned and sensitive parent-child interaction will be identified. In a third step, this slightly extended concept of MusicPlayTherapy with a particular focus on attachment-based interventions will be applied within a feasibility-study including five vulnerable families with difficulties in developing secure attachment relationships. Possible effects of the music therapy treatment on aspects such as parental stress, quality of life, resilience or sensitivity of the caregivers are examined. The final aim of this research is to find out whether the overall concept of this music therapy approach is suitable for attachment-based music therapy work with children up to the age of four and their caregivers.

Project management: Eva Phan Quoc

Currently: concept development, pilot study


Funding: supported by the Andreas Tobias Kind Foundation, Germany.