Phone: +43/1/71155-3952

Main research fields:

  • Music therapy with families
  • attachment-based music therapy
  • music therapy assessments

Eva Phan Quoc completed her music therapy training in 2004 at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Since then she has been working in the field of music therapy with children, adolescents and families, either in an institutional context or in private practice.

As part of her longstanding professional political commitment, she was a member of the board of the Austrian Association of Music Therapists (ÖBM) from 2007-2010. From 2010-2017 she was managing director of the office of the Austrian Association of Music Therapists.

In 2017 she started a position as a research associate at the WZMF – Music Therapy Research Centre Vienna, which is a unit of the Department of Music Therapy at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where she has been senior scientist since 2021.

Eva is a lecturer at the Department of Music Therapy at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, focusing at research, music therapy assessment tools and music therapy with families.

In the past two years, she has been intensively involved in coordinating activities of the international Network “Music Therapy with Families”

Her currently running PhD project is on attachment-based music therapy with vulnerable families in a parent-infant-setting. She is also working in the project MOMENTE (Implementing music-based interventions in a digital tool for people with dementia) in collaboration with Julia Fent.

She has additional certifications in MusikSpielTherapie (Stumptner/Thompsen, Berlin), APCI-Assessment of Parent-Child Interaction (Jacobsen, Aalborg), EBQ-Instrument for Assessing Relationship quality (Schumacher, Berlin); TRM-Tuning Relationships with Music® Colegrove, Melbourne), SAFE-Mentor (Brisch, Salzburg), B.B.T.®-Curriculum Attachment-based Therapy and Counselling (Brisch, München).

Her research focus is on music therapy with families, attachment-based music therapy, early childhood music therapy and music therapy research methodology and assessments.

Selected publications:

Ettenberger, M. & Phan Quoc, E. (2023). Musiktherapie mit Familien: Kultur, Identitäten, Diversität und Gender. Musik & Gesundsein, 43, 18–22.

Phan Quoc, E., Burghardt-Distl, A., Flower, C., Oldfield, A. & Hernandez-Ruiz, E. (Eds.). (2023). Symposium Music Therapy with Families Proceedings. Music Therapy with Families Hub.

Phan Quoc, E., Burghardt-Distl, A. & Stegemann, T. (2023). Beziehungsweise—Musiktherapie mit Familien. Musik und Gesundsein (MuG), 43, 13–17.

Phan Quoc, E. Oldfield, A. (2023). Music Therapy with Families Symposium. Imagine, 14(1), 125128.

Phan Quoc, E. (2021). Die Bedeutung der Bindungstheorie für die Musiktherapie. In T. Stegemann & E. Fitzthum (Hrsg.), Kurzlehrbuch Musiktherapie. Teil II. Wiener Ringvorlesung Musiktherapie – Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder. Wiener Beiträge zur Musiktherapie Band 13. (S. 171-192). Wien: Praesens.

Phan Quoc, E., Riedl, H. & Stegemann, T. (2020). Austria. In Imagine 2020 – Colors of us. Early childhood music therapy around the world (S. 46–54). Santa Barbara: De La Vista Publisher.

Phan Quoc, E., Riedl, H., Smetana, M., & Stegemann, T. (2019). Music therapy in Austria: A national survey study on the professional situation of music therapists. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 40(3), 236–248.

Stegemann, T., Geretsegger, M., Phan Quoc, E., Riedl, H. & Smetana, M. (2019). Music Therapy and Other Music-Based Interventions in Pediatric Health Care: An Overview. Medicines 68(1), 25. Verfügbar unter: