Vocal Intervention for Patients suffering from Cystic Fibrosis | Teletherapy

Based on the therapy approach "Vocal Intervention" a supportive therapy concept for patients with cystic fibrosis is clinically adapted. The "Vocal Intervention" was developed at the University Clinic for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Occupational Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna in cooperation with the WZMF and combines music therapy interventions with functional exercises from the field of vocal pedagogy.

Due to the COVID pandemic, the therapies of the patients who had already been introduced could not be started as planned. However, within the framework of the continuing pilot project "Teletherapy/Vocal Intervention", extensive experience in the use of teletherapeutic techniques could be gathered.

In this study, the music therapist Johanna Zachhuber conducted a teletherapeutic series of 10 sessions each with five patients with systemic scleroderma who had already taken advantage of the therapy offer of vocal intervention. On the one hand, this pilot study resulted in a positive response on the part of the participating patients for this additional therapy offer; on the other hand, the technical feasibility of the telemedical use of the vocal intervention was demonstrated. In the meantime the direct therapeutic units were also restarted in accordance with the current legal requirements and COVID-19-safety-concepts.

Kontakt: stegemann@mdw.ac.at; zachhuber-j@mdw.ac.at