Recommended Procedure


  1. Obtaining Approval from Your Superior and Choosing Your Institution
    Discuss your plans with your superior and decide what university or other setting you would like to visit.
  2. Making Contact
    Ideally, you’ll already have contacts at the prospective partner university or in your desired setting. If this is not the yet case, get in touch with us in order to clarify how to proceed.
    When making contact with the institution where you’d like your further training to take place, it’s advisable to provide then with a detailed description of what you’d like to do. Be clear about the desired point in time, content to be covered, and the specific elements you’d like to include.
    We also recommend that you include a brief description of your own field of work at the mdw as well as a brief personal introduction (optional: photo). If your intended destination is in a non-German-speaking region, please provide such materials in English.
  3. Expenses / Application for Professional Travel
    Indicate expected costs as precisely as possible, paying attention to the applicable maximum amounts. Expenses must first be paid entirely out of pocket by the participating individual.
    For information on professional travel, please contact Alexander Hoch or Michaela Riedel
  4. Submission
    Send your materials (CV, brief letter of motivation, letter of invitation, work plan [if applicable], Application for Professional Travel, and Mobility Agreement) as early as possible to the ZfW, mailing them to:,
  5. Conduct of Mobility Activities
  6. Reporting and Accounting
    Please itemise and invoice your professional travel outlays immediately after you return. Fill out the online report in the EU Mobility Tool. For this purpose, you will receive an e-mail from the EU system that contains an automatically generated link. Send Confirmation of Successful Completion from your partner university / from the setting where your activities took place to the ZfW, fill in the online questionnaire of the ZfW and write a report or a blog entry (voluntary) for the International Blog.
    Download original document (in German)


Contact person for interested parties,
Support Incomings/Outgoings:

Sophia Simon
Tel: +43 1 71155-7612

Erasmus+ STT Coordinator:

Dagny Schreiner
Tel: +43 1 71155-7600