Abteilungen & Services | Administrative Departments and Services
Administrative Departments and Services provide services for artistic and scientific staff, students, graduates and administrative staff and are present both inside and outside the mdw. A short presentation of the tasks and services of the individual mdw institutions can be found on the mdw homepage.


Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen (AKG) | Working Group on Equal Opportunities
According to the University Act, a working group on equal opportunities is to be established at each university by its respective Senate. The task of this working group  is to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion or ideology, age, sexual orientation and/or disability, to combat sexual and gender-related harassment and to provide advice and support concerning these matters to University departments and their members.

More information and contact details can be found on the AKG homepage.


Arbeitsmedizin | Occupational Health
The task of occupational healthis to provide mdw members with support and advice concerning questions of health or other risks and issues related to their everyday work at mdw.

Important information on the subject of health, computer workstations, part-time vocational reintegration (WIETZ), appointments for eye tests and hearing tests and vaccinations can be found on the Occupational Health homepage.


Arbeitssicherheit / ArbeitnehmerInnenschutz | Occupational Safety / Employee Protection
Besides the implementation of the Employee Protection Act (ASchG) and its associated regulations, the fundamental goal of modern occupational safety is "prevention", i.e., not only acting after an incident has occurred, but implementing measures beforehand which minimise the probability of such incidents occurring in the first place.
The law provides for cooperation between employer, occupational health physician and safety officer in all areas of occupational safety and employee protection.
More information about occupational safety and the responsibilities of the safety officer, etc. can be found on the homepage of the Department of Facility Management.


Arbeitszeitplan und Arbeitszeiterfassung | Work schedule and time recording
At the commencement of each employment relationship, a work schedule is agreed upon and recorded in SAP. Further information on recording working times (dealing with additional services, flexible working hours, time off in lieu (TOIL), time tracking on business travel, ...) can be found on the Department of Human Resources homepage.

Heads of Services and Departments can access the guidelines on Approval of Time Recording and an infosheet on the Department of Human Resources homepage.


Arts for Care
Arts for Care is an initiative of the Austrian universities of art and music and an association of those colleagues who are responsible for providing support within the university for questions concerning the topic of "Reconciling Care and Work/Study". It provides information material, arranges for contacts and offers jointly-planned, free-of-charge events with experts from individual federal provinces.


Arztbesuche und Behördenwege | Visits to Doctors and Official Appointments
In principle, doctor's visits and appointments with official authorities must be conducted outside of working hours. In the case of urgent (medically necessary) treatment or official appointments (court summonses  / administrative authorities, etc. - see exceptional leave), absences can be recorded under regular working hours. For more information, please refer to the infosheet on recording working hours on the Department of Human Resources homepage.


AV-Zentrum (Audio-Video-Zentrum) | AV Centre
The AV centre provides specific audio/video services, online teaching and much more.


Barrierefreiheit | Accessibility
Enabling full participation as a university also means making activities and events accessible to all.

On the Accessibility homepage, you will find information on the subject of accessibility at the mdw and what you should know about accessibility in studying, teaching, further education or enjoyment of art at the mdw.


Behindertenvertretung | Disability Representation
The mdw’s Confidant for Individuals with Disabilities and his / her deputy are appointed to represent the economic, social and health interests of those mdw's employees with disabilities.
The mdw’s Barrier-Free Access Coordinator advises students with physical and mental disabilities.
The mdw's Inclusive Mobility Officer is available at any time to answer questions about structural accessibility.
More information about the Representation of Individuals with Disabilities can be found on the mdw homepage.


Beschäftigungsverhältnisse / Arbeitsrechtliche Grundlagen | Employment Relationships / Principles of Employment Law
At the mdw, different legal regulations apply to the various staff categories:

  • Scientific, artistic and general university staff, whose employment relationship was established as of 1.1.2004: Employees Act (AngG); Collective Agreement for Employees at Universities (KollV) of 5.5.2009; Federal Act governing statutory paid annual leave; Federal Act on Corporate Staff and Self-Employment Provision. The current collective agreement can be found on the the Department of Human Resources homepage.
  • Employees  whose employment relationship was established before 1.1.2004 and, therefore, subject prior contractual conditions: Contract Staff Act 1948, in particular §§ 5-7 (general service obligations), §§ 27-28 (annual leave), Section II a - Section IV (special provisions for university teachers).
  • Civil servants: Civil Servants' Employment Act 1979 (BDG) - General Provisions §§ 43 to 61 BDG Leave, special leave, exemption §§ 64 to 77 BDG Special agreements for university professors, university lecturers, university assistants, federal teachers in accordance with §§ 154 to 200 BDG Salary Act 1956 (GG).


Betriebsrat | Works Council
At the mdw, there is a Staff association for General University Personal and a Staff association for Research and Artistic Personal. Both are interest groups and, in accordance with the Labour Constitution Act, are called upon to promote and safeguard the economic, social, cultural and health interests of employees.


Betriebsvereinbarungen | Works Agreements
Works Agreements are written agreements concluded between a company and its Works Council on matters regulated by law or collective agreement. The mdw Works Agreements can be found on the homepage of the Department of Human Resources/Works Agreements.


Bibliothek | Library
The University Library of the mdw (UB) is an artistic and scientific library for music, musicology, music education, acting and directing, film and television as well as cultural management. In close cooperation with the university institutions, the University Library provides printed, technical and electronic information media and supports its users with professional advice and training in research and information procurement.


The checkbox for alternative examination methods allows applicants with disabilities to indicate their need for alternative methods for individual parts of the exam when registering for the admission exam in mdwOnline. In addition to the direct benefit during the admission exams, applicants are thus also in contact with the Disability Officer and/or the Director of Studies at the earliest possible stage. More information can be found here.


Checkliste „ankommen an der mdw“ / Checklist “Arriving at mdw“
The checklist "Arriving at mdw" is an orientation guide for new colleagues. It offers information on basic issues relating  to everyday work at the mdw.


The coaching offer is aimed at all mdw staff who would like to achieve more clarity and orientation with regard to a professional issue. Both individual coaching and team coaching/examination can be requested at any time by university staff in the Human Resources Development - Centre for Further Education or Human Resources Department. The university bears the costs for three units of individual coaching. In the case of retreats/team coaching, a cost-sharing arrangement is sought with the respective requesting organisational unit.


Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct of the mdw is a framework for regulation the behavior of mdw employees. It serves as a guideline for internal cooperation and for contact with external partners and the wider public. University-relevant regulations (e.g., works agreements, guidelines, circulars and directives) and universally applicable standards/laws, (e.g., university law, special service regulations) remain unaffected by this Code of Conduct and, mdw employees continue to be bound by these.


Datenschutz | Privacy
The mdw works in an area where potential conflict can arise between an individual's right to protection and confidentiality of his or her personal data on the one hand and the fulfilment of university business on the other. It is, therefore, important that each and every individual familiarises himself or herself with the basic rights and obligations that data processing entails. The legal framework for data protection in Austria is primarily governed by the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO) and the Data Protection Act (DSG). These are available for download, together with additional detailed information, from the mdw Data Protection homepage.


Dienstreisen | Business Travel
Business travel is carried out on the express order of the mdw. An application for business travel must be submitted and approved prior to the start of the trip. Read more about the business travel procedure here.
Information on time tracking for business travel can be found in the infosheet on recording working times available on the  Department of Human Resources homepage.


Dienstunfälle | Workplace Accidents
Accidents in the workplace must be reported immediately by employees or departments/services to the Department of Human Resources so that BVAEB can be notified in good time. This also applies to accidents that occur on the way to and from work or during a business travel or leave of absence. The BVAEB accident report form can be found on the Department of Human Resources homepage under Absence forms.


Digitalisierungsstrategie | Digitalisation Strategy
Digitalisation is taking hold in all areas of the university, affecteing us all. This will have a significant impact on the future of the university. As part of the current performance agreement, the mdw has committed itself to developing a comprehensive digitalisation strategy which will serve as a basis for future digitalisation measures. More information is available on the Digitalisation Strategy homepage.


Diversitätsstrategie | Diversity Strategy
With the implementation of the diversity strategy as a strategic change process, the mdw is pursuing holistic and systematic diversity management measures, seeking to involve as many staff and students as possible in the process. The goal is to create a study and work environment that is free of discrimination through the successful implementation of concrete measures for more equal participation of all members of the university. More information is available on the Diversity Strategy homepage.


Drittmittelservice | Service for Third-Party Funding
see Projekt Service


Dual Career Service
The Dual Career Service is aimed at partners of newly appointed professors, professors transitioning in their career, newly appointed postdocs and highly-qualified academic specialists who need to relocate to Austria from abroad for professional reasons. It supports them in their job search.