Einkäufe | Purchases
Purchases must always be approved by line managers or those in positions of authority within respective organisational departments/institutes. Invoices are to be addressed directly to the Department of Finance and Accounting. Further information on invoice features and procedures can be found at zfr/buchhaltung-verrechnung.
As a service for all administrative departments and services of mdw, the Procurement Management department (BM) has created a procurement platform which provides assistance in the purchase of certain everyday, high-demand products. The platform also contains procurement aids, contacts to online stores, and access to mdw customer cards for various suppliers.
E-Mail-Adresse der mdw / mdw email address
The use of the mdw e-mail address is mandatory.
Entwicklungsplan der mdw | Development Plan of the mdw
The Development Plan is the mdw's strategic, future-oriented planning instrument. It is a key pillar of the performance agreement concluded with the Ministry. It contains a baseline assessment and an analysis of the objectives, strategies and future potential of the university over the following six years. In Development Plans, the mdw defines its own strategic objectives and orientations. To the Development Plan
Erasmus+ / Mobilitäten | Erasmus+ / Mobilities
see mobility
Erholungsurlaub | Annual Leave
Full-time employees are entitled to 25 working days (200 hours) annual leave per calendar year (with the exception of university professors and associated professors who are entitled to 240 hours). For civil servants and employees with pre-2004 contracts, the amount of leave increases to 240 hours (30 days) from the age of 43 (birthday before 1 July). For birthdays after 30 June, the amount of leave increases from the following calendar year. Employees who are subject to the collective agreement are entitled to 28 working days' leave from the age of 43 and a six-year period of service with mdw; if the employee has been with mdw for ten years, the annual leave entitlement increases to 30 working days. The commencement of leave is to be agreed with the line manager; when determining the days of leave, the interests of the service and the interests of the employees are to be taken into account.
The application for leave must be submitted electronically via mdwOnline "Business card/personnel", "Self-Services - PSS".
The form "Leave application for instructors" can be found on the homepage of the Department of Human Resources.
Ermäßigungen | Discounts
see benefits
Erreichbarkeiten / Kontakte | Reachability / Contacts
see contacts
Erste Hilfe / First Aid
Emergency plans with information about first aid, emergency numbers and first aid officers at the mdw are posted in every room at the mdw.
Facts & Figures
The current student statistics can be found in mdwOnline at: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna / Research and Teaching / student statistics.
Current and historical data on the number of staff at the mdw can be found in the intellectual capital statement.
Fahrtkostenzuschuss | Travel allowance
see commuter allowance
FAIRanstalten_mdw / Green meetings
When organizing events at the mdw, efforts are made to follow the principles of sustainability and resource-efficiency. For this reason, the working group green-mdw created the internal Eco-label fairanstalten_mdw. The organisation of events as Green Meetings is, therefore, strongly encouraged.
In addition to the healthy mdw, a working group was formed in the context of fit2work to deal with the question of "occupational integration". Further information about the project is available on the homepage.
Formulare | Forms
Department of Human Resources (absences, business travel, new hires, allowances and bonuses, etc. ...)
Department of Finance and Accounting (fees, internal accounting, reimbursement of expenses, etc. ...)
Fort- und Weiterbildung | Further Education and Training
The Human Resources Development - Center for Further Education offers all mdw members a wide range of further education and training opportunities. The course catalogue is revised for each academic year, integrating ideas and suggestions from staff and lecturers as well as from mdw students and graduates. Subsidies for further training to be completed externally are also available for the entire university staff.
Freier Dienstvertrag vs. Werkvertrag - welche Vertragsform wird gewählt | Choosing between a freelance service contract vs. a work contract
When individuals are to be assigned tasks outside of any genuine employment relationship, the question arises as to the correct legal form. In this case, an "overall assessment" must be made; individual characteristics are not decisive. A contract for work can be concluded when a person undertakes, for a fee, to produce a specific "work" for another person (the mdw). The contractor owes a "tangible" work result, which is to be created independently and for which they take sole responsibility. The work must be defined as concretely as possible in the work contract. At the end of the assignment, the work must be completed. The contractor is not bound by instructions with regard to working hours, place of work, and behavior at work and typically uses own resources. Objectively justified requirements regarding the time of fulfillment, e.g., related to business hours or the presence of other employees, are possible, however. The economic risk lies with the contractor. Typical cases may include creating concepts, developing a website, conducting a survey, creating photo documentation, repairing an instrument, etc. A freelance service contract exists when someone commits to provide their labor in exchange for compensation to perform services but is not personally dependent in carrying out this activity. The independent freelancer can generally, albeit in coordination with the client, have someone stand in for them and freely choose their working hours and place of work. Independent freelancers are not integrated into the organization and operation when providing their services and often use their own work equipment, such as laptops. Typical employments that allow for activities in personal independence in the form of a freelance service relationship can include, for example, administrative support for projects (publications, events), the organization of competitions, processing of literature and archive holdings, recurring data entry, etc.
Freistellungen | Leave of Absence
For research and teaching purposes as well as for the development of the arts, artistic and scientific staff may apply for a temporary leave of absence from their duties at the mdw. Typical reasons for leave of absence include concert activities, conferences, symposia or workshops as well as participation in congresses and longer-term activities in research and/or teaching at foreign universities, colleges, research institutes, etc.
For information on when a leave of absence is possible, please refer to the Circular on Leave of Absence, which can be found on the Department of Human Resources homepage under Forms of Absence, together with the application form and any supplementary documentation that may be required.
Frühkarenz für Väter und gleichgeschlechtliche Paare | Early paternal leave for fathers and same-sex couples
An employee may take unpaid early parental leave up to a maximum of 4 weeks before the end of the mother's maternity protection leave. To be eligible, the employee must be in a marital or civil partnership or be cohabiting with the mother together with the child in a shared household. Such leave must not present any conflict with important work-related interests.
For more information on early parental leave, please refer to the infosheet on early parental leave on the Department of Human Resources homepage under Absence Forms.
Führungskräfte | Leadership
see Responsibilty as a leader
Gehaltszettel / SAP-Auszahlungsnachweis | Payslip / SAP Salary Statement
Payslips can be retrieved in mdwOnline by accessing your personal business card and opening the "Personal Self Services (PSS)" application. The system generates a four-digit PIN code for the initial login. Only with this special PIN code are you able to access the "SAP Salary Statement" application.
The foundation of the Gender_mdw platform was initiated by Rector Ulrike Sych - in her former function as Vice Rector for Teaching and the Advancement of Women.
Each institute of the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna nominates a gender representative and their deputy to this committee of the Vice Rectorate for Organizational Development, Gender & Diversity. More information can be found here.
Gesunde mdw - Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) | Healthy mdw - Workplace Health Promotion
The mdw actively promotes a healthy working environment. All offers for employees and students are combined under the umbrella of "Art and Health". The Human Resources Development - Center for Further Education coordinates the annual Health Day and the offers for physical and mental health. For further information, visite the homepage here.
Gleitzeit | Flexitime
The beginning and end of the daily normal working time can be freely arranged within a given time frame. Due to the flexible arrangement, a time credit or even a time deficit can be built up, see Infosheet on the recording of working time.
grüne-mdw | green mdw
The information and action platform "green mdw" deals with measures for ensuring resource-efficient, sustainable practices of the mdw, promotes cooperation and provides concrete networking initiatives. The platform offers information on topics such as mobility, office, events, and much more.
Hausordnung der mdw | House rules of the mdw
The house rules of the mdw are integral to the university's statutes and are to be observed by all persons entering or using mdw premises, buildings and rooms.
HochschülerInnenschaft an der mdw - hmdw | the mdw chapter of the Österreichische Hochschülerschaft (ÖH) - hmdw
The student representatives (StV) are the contact persons for study-specific questions. They are usually also members of the so-called "Stukos", the collegial bodies, which are primarily responsible for the creation and adaption of study plans. Student representatives are voted in for two years at the election of the ÖH. Every regular student, aged 18 years or older and enrolled in the respective study programm, can stand for election. More information about the hmdw and the individual departments can be found on the hmdw homepage.
At the mdw there is a home office regulation for administrative staff. The contact persons are the direct superiors.