Üben an der mdw | Practicing at the mdw
In principle, all students of the mdw — including both regular students and extraordinary students (on preparatory or postgraduate courses) — are permitted to practice in the mdw's designated premises. The keys for the rooms are only issued on presentation of the mdwCard to the porters. Practice on Sundays and public holidays is possible in the buildings Seilerstätte 26 and Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 (Building H-N).


As part of the u:book service, members of the mdw are able to purchase high-quality professional laptops twice a year at the beginning of the semester at a reasonable price (with prices up to 30% below the comparative prices available online).


Unfall | Accident
see illness and accident


Universitätsgesetz (UG) 2002 | University Act 2002
With the UG 2002, broad areas of Austrian university law were reorganised. In terms of organisational law, it replaced the UOG 1993 as well as the KUOG, the law governing the organisation of universities of the arts, and in terms of study law, the UniStG, the law governing university studies.

Since then, universities have been legal entities under public law with full legal capacity (§ 4 UG).


Universitätsrat | University Board
The University Board is one of the supreme supervisory bodies of the mdw alongside the Rectorate, the Rector and the Senate. The duties of the University Board are regulated by § 21 UG.


Urlaub | Vacation
see annual leave


Veranstaltungen | Events
As one of the world's largest educational institutions for music and the performing arts, the mdw offers its students excellent opportunities to perform at the university and in diverse national and international cooperation with other universities and cultural institutions. This makes the mdw itself one of the largest cultural institutions in Austria, with cooperations, partnerships and special projects enabling and facilitating over 1,300 events per year. On the Event Management and International Affairs homepage, you will find everything about hosting and promoting events. The "Guide to Events" leads you step-by-step through the organisation process.


Verantwortung als Führungskraft | Managers responsibilities
A management position of an organisational unit at the mdw means assuming responsibility for the organisation, staff and students, in addition to other new tasks. The Human Resources Management and the Human Resources Development - Centre for Continuing Education provide a guideline "Responsibility as a Manager" as well as the "Guideline of Human Resources Management" for orientation and describe the first steps that must be completed by new managers at the mdw.


Verein der Freunde der mdw | Friends of the mdw
The Association of Friends of the mdw supports the goals and interests of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, its teaching staff and graduates and provides assistance to students facing difficulties.


Vergünstigungen / Ermäßigungen | Discounts / reductions
An overview of current discounts can be found on the homepage of the Procurement Management Office, and information on discounts and free tickets for museums on the homepage of the works council of the administrative university staff. These are available upon presentation of a valid mdwCard.


Verschwiegenheitsverpflichtung | Confidentiality
Confidentiality must be maintained with regard to internal matters and circumstances which become known in the course of working for mdw and in which the university has an official interest (§ 13 KollV).


Visitenkarte im mdwOnline | Business card in mdwOnline
Each mdw staff member has his/her own digital business card in mdwOnline, which should be completed with as much information as possible. The personal area in mdwOnline offers different information and services in different sections. ("Personal Self Services" (PSS): retrieving your pay slip, applying for leave, etc.; "Services": Listing of internal training courses attended; Appointment Finder: Coordination of appointments; "Resources": various manuals).


Visitenkarten | Business cards
mdw business cards can be ordered quickly and easily from your own PC in the Communication & Marketing service unit. All information on the ordering process can be found on the homepage of the Vice Rectorate for International Affairs and Art under "Graphics & Design".


Weiterbildungskurse | Training and professional development courses
see further education and training


Wiedereingliederungsteilzeit (WIETZ) | Part-Time Reintegration Models
Since July 2017, all employees have had the opportunity to re-enter the workplace gradually after prolonged periods of sick leave through temporary part-time models. Detailed information on this can be found on the homepage Reintegration Part-Time.


Wissensbilanz | Intellectual Capital Report
The intellectual capital statement is a standardised reporting instrument of the universities to the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the public. It serves the systematic presentation of the intellectual assets of the university and documents the status of implementation of the goals and projects defined therein. More information on this and the current intellectual capital statement can be found here.


Zeiterfassung | Time recording
see work schedule and time recording