

What is Coaching?

Coaching encompasses goal- and solution-oriented advising and support with regard to themes, questions, and problems that arise in professional life.

We distinguish between the following two types of coaching:

Individual coaching – Here, we start from the idea of two experts working together with each other on a solution: the person being coached is an expert in their own way of working, everyday professional life, and area of work, while the coach is an expert in facilitating helpful conversations and accompanying processes aimed at finding solutions. The focus here is on what works already and on expanding the range of possible actions. We’ll be happy to recommend coaches from our coaching pool who are well suited to your issues.

Team coaching / retreat – Are you planning an accompanied retreat for your department, subdivision, or deans office, or would you perhaps be interested in coaching for your project team? We’ll be happy to advise you on coach selection, possible locations for what you’d like to do, and further organisational matters. On this, see: Retreat Advising

What Coaching Is NOT: Coaching is NOT training, NOR is it therapy!


Why Take Advantage of Coaching?

… in order to take a step out of your immediate work context and gain distance

… in order to open up new perspectives

… in order to have some support for your everyday professional life from neutral and competent sparring partners

… in order to develop new and different ways forward when “more of the same” is no longer helping


Possible Coaching Topics:*

Dealing with

  • changes in the workplace (new responsibilities, new colleagues, new superiors, etc.)
  • complexity in the workplace
  • leadership-related questions
  • contradictory role expectations
  • complex decisions (including with regard to your own professional development)
  • conflicts (within a team, with colleagues, with superiors)
  • a high level of stress (burnout prevention)


Preparation for

  • assuming a leadership position
  • difficult conversations/situations/counterparts
  • one’s own appearances before an audience (professional [self-] staging and media consulting)


Development of

  • one’s own teaching (didactic consulting for teaching and learning processes, feedback situations, and face-to-face critiquing)
  • a good working environment


*This is an exemplary list of possible topics and occasions. A multitude of other topics are likewise possible. Should you be uncertain whether your topic would be suitable for coaching, please do feel welcome to get in touch with us!


How Does Coaching Work?

Individual coaching revolves around your personal and professional issues.

You work together with your coach on solution-oriented strategies and possible courses of action for your everyday professional life. This can take place during one or several appointments.

The methods employed here include unusual ways of posing questions, scaling techniques, work with a system board, thought experiments, changes of perspective, etc.


Who is individual coaching for?

At the mdw, individual coaching offerings can be accessed by all University employees. Coaching may take place at one’s own initiative or at the suggestion of one’s superior.


Duration and Costs


  • A coaching session typically lasts 50 minutes.
  • The mdw will provide its personnel with a maximum of three coaching sessions free of charge. The cost of any appointments in excess of these three sessions must be borne by the coachee.
  • Only coaches from our own coaching pool may be chosen.



For help with selecting a suitable coach and in case of any questions on how to proceed, please feel welcome to contact Gerda Müller, Dagny Schreiner, or Michaela Bayer (see below) at any time.


  1. Registration for coaching must be done with Gerda Müller or Dagny Schreiner.
  2. Gerda Müller or Dagny Schreiner will notify you regarding whether the costs will be covered by the mdw.
  3. If your request has been approved, obtain a coaching code from the Human Resources Development Office – Center for Further Education for anonymous billing.  
  4. Coachees arrange their own appointment(s) with a coach from the coaching pool. [The content of coaching sessions is confidential and remains between coach and coachee.]
  5. Once coaching has concluded: the coachee fills out an anonymous feedback form in the interest of quality assurance regarding this measure; if necessary, communication of personal feedback to Gerda Müller or Dagny Schreiner is also possible.

Please note: The anonymity of the coaching services provided to you by the mdw is guaranteed thanks to anonymous invoicing methods used by the University and the coaches.





Gerda Müller
Vice Rector for Organizational Development and Diversity
Phone: +43 1 71155-6020

Marion Braunsteiner
Head of the Department of Human Ressources
Phone: +43 1 71155-6700

Dagny Schreiner
Head of Human Resources Development - Center for Continuing Education
(Coordination of coaching offer)
Phone: +43 1 71155-7600