The mdwCard (contactless chip card) is issued to all members of the mdw and entitles them to use the services and resources offered by mdw in accordance with the mdwCard Usage Guidelines. They also receive discounts in various restaurants and stores in the 3rd district - see:

You will receive your mdwCard at the Department of Human Resources at Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 on the 2nd floor in room B0208 (switchboard). For information on current opening hours, please contact. The photo for the mdwCard can either be taken on-site or uploaded in advance via the link mdwCard Photo Import (in the Services column) in your own mdwOnline account. A photo identification is necessary! The issuing of the mdwCard takes about ten minutes.


mdwOnline is mdw's campus management system which is available to you via a web interface at Once your account has been activated, numerous services are available to you:

  • Lecturers: Course administration, participant administration, examination administration, performance recording for the intellectual capital statement, processing of the personal business card, appointment calendar, ...
  • Employees: proof of payment, vacation notification, care and compassionate leave, time accounting, invoice archive, room administration, appointment calendar, professional development courses, ...

As a member of the mdw, you must first activate your mdwOnline account with a PIN code. For initial registration, you will receive this code from the mdwOnline representative of your organisational department.
Manual mdwOnline for staff member
IT Usage Guidelines
mdwOnline Support
For further questions, please contact the helpdesk of the ZID Service Center.


Mensa am Campus | Mensa on the Campus
At some mdw locations (information in the Department of Facility Management), staff and students have the option of using a canteen. University staff can choose between two or three menus, each of which is subsidised by the mdw to the sum of € 2.00. Deductions are made upon presentation of the mdwCard.

Menu and information on opening hours, prices and discounts by using your mdwCard can be found on the homepage.


The aim of the mentoring offer at mdw is to provide initial individual support to new employees of the mdw administration when they start work. The new employees (mentees) are, therefore, accompanied by experienced staff (mentors) in the initial phase. More information can be found on the homepage of the Human Resources Development - Centre for Further Education.


Mentoring Programm für Prae und Post Docs der mdw (Frauen, inter* und nicht-binäre Personen) | Mentoring Programme for Prae and Post Docs of the mdw (women, inter* and non-binary persons)
The academic world is still characterised by structural gender inequalities, which is reflected in the underrepresentation of female professors. The mentoring programme "Reach higher, reach beyond" aims to counteract the unequal treatment of women, inter* and non-binary persons in the course of their academic careers.


MitarbeiterInnengespräch (MAG) | Appraisal interview
The appraisal interview is an open, equal exchange of experience and ideas between manager and employee about all aspects of work and cooperation. In the appraisal interview, the professional and personal advancement and further development of the employee are of central importance. The appraisal interview is an important instrument for personnel management and development.
With regard to the goals of the organisational department, work situations are presented between manager and employee, work goals are developed, development opportunities are discussed, and further training measures are agreed upon.


Mitteilungsblatt | Newsletter
According to § 20 (6) of the University Act 2002, every university must publish a newsletter and make it publicly available on the university's homepage. In the newsletter, the statutes, development plan, organisation plan, performance agreement, regulations, curricula, job advertisements, etc., are publicised. The mdw newsletter is published twice a month - on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month - by the office of the Rectorate. To the newsletters


Mobilität / Erasmus+ | Mobility / Erasmus+
Within the framework of ERASMUS+ in the European area, and within the framework of ERASMUS+ international in the third country area, there are different possibilities for mobility for different target groups.

  • Student mobility
  • Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA)
  • Staff Mobility for Training (STT)
  • Erasmus+ for apprentices

The Office for International Program Mobilities (IPM) is responsible for student mobility (incoming and outgoing) and teacher mobility for teaching purposes (incoming and outgoing). The Human Resources - Centre for Continuing Education (ZfW) is responsible for staff mobility for teaching and administrative staff for professional development purposes (STT, Incomings and Outgoings) and assists in finding training and development opportunities in other universities and institutions. It is also possible for apprentices to complete a work placement abroad within the framework of Erasmus+. The ZfW also provides support in this area. Click here for more information.


Nachhaltigkeit an der mdw | Sustainability at the mdw
see "grüne mdw"


Nebenbeschäftigung | Secondary employment
At the beginning of the employment relationship, it is ascertained whether there is any gainful secondary employment. Any additional employment or significant change to secondary employment must be immediately reported in writing to the Department of Human Resources (§ 12 KollV). Secondary employment may be prohibited by the University and is to be avoided if it is deemed in conflict with the University's basic interests. In any case, the provision of paid private tuition for students is prohibited.


Organisationseinheiten (OE) | Services Facilities
see Department and Services


Organisationsplan der mdw | Organisational chart of the mdw
The organisational plan or the organisation chart shows the structure of the mdw. It can be found on the mdw homepage.


Pausen bzw. Mittagspausen | Breaks
If the continuous daily working time exceeds six hours, an employee must take a rest period of at least 30 minutes. This break serves to allow employees to recuperate and is not a means to reduce daily working time; for this reason, it cannot be consumed at the beginning or at the end of the working day. After six hours of continuous work, this period of rest is to be classed as working time. Further information on this can be found in the Works Agreement "Rest breaks" and in the infosheet on recording working hours.


Pendlerpauschale / Fahrtkostenzuschuss | Commuter allowance / travel allowance
Entitlement to a travel allowance exists if a commuter allowance is due according to income tax regulations. To prove the entitlement, a current printout from the commuter calculator of the Federal Ministry of Finance, form L34 EDV, must be submitted to the relevant contact person in the Department of Human Resources.

Further information can be found in the infosheets on the travel allowance or commuter allowance on the Department of Human Resources homepage. Additional general information on the commuter allowance can also be found on the Federal Ministry of Finance homepage.


Pensionskasse | Pension Fund
As of 1 October 2011 in accordance with Point III of the BV, the University makes monthly contributions (employer's contributions) to the pension fund for employees. Employees can also make additional voluntary contributions to the pension fund. More information on the pension fund.


Personalentwicklung | Human Resources Development
Personnel development at mdw is directed at everybody from individual employees through to organisational units. Human resources development measures are derived from the strategies and goals of the university as well as from the regularly surveyed needs of the staff. A comprehensive portfolio of training, development and networking opportunities, as well as (advisory) services and information on co-financing external training programmes, can be accessed on the website of the Human Resources Development - Centre for Further Education.


Personal-News | Staff News
The staff news provides an overview of changes in the staff of the administration: who is new, who is changing jobs and who is leaving the mdw.


Persönliche Daten | Personal Data
Changes to personal data in connection with the employment relationship, such as changes of name or status, changes of residential address, nationality, birth of children, or the issuance of a notice from the Federal Social Welfare Office must be communicated without delay. The notification must be sent in writing and accompanied by the necessary documentation to the relevant contact person in the Department of Human Resources.


Pflegefreistellung | Care and Compassionate Leave
Information on entitlement to care and compassionate leave can be found on the “Pflegefreistellung" infosheet.  Applications for leave should be made using the Pflegefreistellung form. Both can be found on the homepage of the Department of Human Resources Management or processed via Personal Self Services (PSS) via mdwOnline.


Projektservice | Project Service
The project service is part of the Office of Research Support. It informs, advises and supports mdw members conducting research in the acquisition of national and international third-party funds for scientific projects and projects for the development and appreciation of the arts.