Raumvergabe & Raumausstattung | Room allocation and equipment 
The rooms of the mdw (classrooms, practice rooms, seminar rooms) are internally assigned to different organisational units and institutes. The size, allocation, use, etc., can be seen on mdwOnline. The administration of the event halls at the mdw is also divided among different organisational units.

Information on room equipment (seating, tables, pin boards, flip charts, lecterns, etc.) can be found on the homepage of the Vice Rectorate for International Affairs and Art.


Raumvermietung an Externe | Room rental to external parties
The mdw rents out rooms to university members and external persons for private purposes, concerts, conferences, balls, etc., provided that capacities are available. Further information is available here.


Rechtliche Grundlagen der mdw | Legal Principles of the mdw
Legal principles of the mdw as well as guidelines regarding employment and service law and information regarding study law can be found here.


refugees_mdw aims to foster and connect refugee initiatives within the university.
Fields of activity cover music lessons (hmdw), projects in the area of music education, music therapy, research and academic teaching. More information can be found on the homepage.


Reisekostenzuschuss (RKZ) | Travel allowance
For travel allowance, in contrast to business travel, there is no requirement for it to be based on any official business assignment. Travel is, to a large extent, undertaken in the interest of the employee. However, due to the scope of the employee's work responsibilities and the purpose of the trip, the mdw also has vested interests in such travel activity.
Travel allowance procedure


Reparaturen, Werkstätten, Gebäudetechnik | Repairs, workshops, building services
The Department of Facility Management (AGT) provides extensive services in a variety of areas to support the members of the university according to their specific needs. Information on the fields of activity can be found on the AGT homepage.


Ruhezeiten | Rest periods
All employees are entitled to a daily rest period of 11 hours between the end of one working day and the beginning of the next. The weekend rest due by law is 36 hours between the end of one working week and the beginning of the next. For more information, please refer to the infosheet on recording working hours on the Department of Human Resources homepage.


It is possible to arrange for sabbatical leave. In this case, the remuneration during an agreed framework period is reduced according to the ratio of the period of leave to the agreed framework period. Example: Over a framework period of four years, the employee will receive 75% of their full-time-equivalent remuneration, and a one-year break from work.
Works Agreement Sabbatical general university staff
Works Agreement Sabbatical scientific and artistic university staff


Satzung der mdw | Statutes of the mdw
Each university itself issues the necessary regulatory provisions by ordinance (statutes) within the framework of the laws and ordinances. The statutes are to be adopted and amended by the Senate with a simple majority at the proposal of the Rectorate (§19 UG 2002). The statutes of the mdw can be found on the Senate homepage.


Schiedskommission | Arbitration Commission
According to § 43 UG 2002, an arbitration commission must be established at every university. More information on the Arbitration Commission and its tasks can be found on the mdw homepage.


Senat der mdw | Senate of the mdw
The Senate of the mdw is the only governing body of the university that is democratically elected by all members of the house, subject to their affiliation. The student representatives are an exception to this as they are delegated by the student union of the mdw (hmdw).
The Senate consists of 18 members: nine representatives from among the university professors, four representatives from among the university lecturers and scientific and artistic staff in research, art and teaching, four representatives from among the students, and one representative of the general university staff.
The Senate also has various working groups (AGs) addressing different topics. Members can volunteer to work in these groups and to set up new ones.
More information can be found on the mdw Senate homepage.


Sicherheitsfachkraft (SFK) | Safety Officer
The Chief Safety Officer has the task of advising the employer, employees, safety representatives and the works council in the field of occupational safety and appropriate work design and is responsible for supporting the employer in fulfilling its obligations in these areas. More information is available on the homepage.


Sonderurlaub | Exceptional Leave of Absence
If there are important reasons that prevent the work performance (e.g., court summonses), the university must be informed of this in advance wherever possible and, at the latest, at the time of the absence.

Employees are entitled to exceptional leave of absence on full pay for the following reasons:

  • own marriage - 3 days
  • birth of own children - 3 days
  • marriage of close relatives - 1 day
  • life-threatening illness or accident of the spouse, partner, a (elective and foster) child or parent, notwithstanding the entitlement to leave of care - 3 days
  • death of a spouse, partner, a (adopted and foster) child, or parent, or other close relative where they resided in the same household - 3 days
  • attending the funeral of a close relative not residing in the same household - 1 day
  • Moving house - 2 days

Close relatives are defined as lineal relatives (parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren), siblings, stepchildren and other relatives living within the same household. The days off must be taken within the timeframe of the event in question.
Click here for the Exceptional Leave of Absence application form.


Standorte der mdw | Locations of the mdw
The mdw has ten locations and is thus scattered across Vienna, but it is also well linked. More information is available on the mdw homepage.
Overview map of all mdw locations


Studiendekanate | Dean‘s Offices
At the mdw there are


Studiendirektion | Director of Studies
The Director of Studies is a monocratic body in accordance with § 19 Abs 2 Z 2 UG and the mdw Statutes/Director of Studies. The responsibilities of the Directorate of Studies include, in particular, the handling of study law procedures and the issuance of notices in all study law matters.


Studienurlaub (§ 33 KollV) | Study leave
University professors, assistant professors, associate professors as well as senior scientists, senior artists and senior lecturers shall be entitled to leave of absence of up to six months after seven years of uninterrupted employment at the university (periods prior to the entry into force of the KollV shall not be taken into account) for teaching or research purposes or for the purpose of developing and opening up the arts. Such leave of absence is only possible if there is no important business reason to the contrary, for example, if a suitable replacement cannot be found. The timing and duration of this leave of absence, including the objectives of the teaching and research / artistic activity or further education, shall be determined by mutual agreement with the university.


Telefon | Phone
If you have any questions about the functionality of the telephone system (call forwarding, call forwarding to the switchboard, call-back agreement, voicemail, etc.)  please refer to the quick guide or contact  ZID for help. For external calls, always pre-dial the exchange code number 0. For business-related international calls, the switchboard is used.


Terminfinder | Appointment finder
The Appointment Finder is the mdw's in-house solution for coordinating appointments. It can be found in mdwOnline on your own business card under "Services".


Transporte | Transport
The mdw operates a Ford Transit panel van. The vehicle and driver are on duty daily Mon - Fri from 7 am to 2 pm and can be booked for transport. Reservations must be made at least three working days in advance and must be confirmed. More information can be found here.