Conditions of Participation / General Terms and Conditions


  1. By registering, participants consent to these General Terms and Conditions of the Human Resources Development Office – Center for Further Education (ZfW).
  2. “mdw employees”: for the purposes of this document, all individuals currently in an employment relationship with the mdw (full-time, part-time, teaching contract, client-insured independent contractor [Freier Dienstnehmer], marginally employed [geringfügig beschäftigt]) are considered mdw employees. “mdw students” are individuals who are/were enrolled at the mdw when they register(ed). “External” refers to all other individuals.
  3. Registration for webinars and on-site courses, which is possible until three days before the respective offering begins, is done via the ZfW’s website at
  4. Once registration data have been sent using the ZfW’s online registration form, registration is binding.
    4.1 – For mdw employees: confirmation of the data with which you have registered must be provided by your superior using the form that will be sent to them automatically upon your registration.
  5. Individuals who have registered will be informed as to whether they have been admitted or placed on a waiting list once their registrations have been processed by the ZfW. Individuals registered to take part in a webinar will be e-mailed the appropriate electronic login data from the ZfW in a timely manner.
  6. Students and external participants must have transferred the participation fee, which includes all taxes and other charges, to the indicated account by three days prior to the beginning of the event at the latest.
    6.1 – For mdw employees: if a fee-based course is registered for, the course fee must in all cases be borne by the mdw organisational unit (department, research centre, dean’s office, administrative department) to which the participating employee belongs. Therefore, employees must always indicate either their department / administrative department cost centre code or an internal order number when registering for courses that charge a fee.
  7. Cooperating partners of the ZfW will receive a 25% discount on the listed price.
  8. Cancellation up to 3 weeks before a course begins will not incur a penalty; in such cases, any course fees that have already been transferred will be immediately reimbursed. If cancellation occurs later, the entire course fee will be kept and/or invoiced. Students and external participants have the right to withdraw within 14 days of their registrations’ confirmation.
  9. Should a participant fail to attend despite being registered, the entire course fee will be kept. mdw employees and external participants may have others attend in their stead at no additional charge.
  10. For events with limited space, registrations will be processed in the order in which they have been received and according to availability.
  11. The ZfW reserves the right to reschedule courses should compelling reasons to do so arise. Should a participant be unable to attend a rescheduled course, the entire course fee will be reimbursed. The ZfW also reserves the right to cancel an event without indicating the reason. In such cases, any course fees that have been transferred shall be reimbursed.
  12. (Technical) requirements for participating in webinars
    The optimum setup for webinar participation is: a terminal device of recent manufacture (laptop or desktop) with webcam, a plug-in headset (ideally connected via USB), an integrated or external webcam, a stable Internet connection, and an undisturbed working environment. We regret that we are unable to reimburse the course fee in cases where technical difficulties or malfunctions arise on the participant’s end.



Right of Withdrawal/Rescission for External Participants and Students


Once a course has been booked, the participant—as a consumer in the sense of the Austrian Consumer Protection Act (KSchG)—enjoys a statutory right of withdrawal within 14 calendar days of the contract’s conclusion.

You have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days of its conclusion without indicating the reason. The day on which the contract was concluded (by registering via the ZfW’s registration form) is not counted. The contract will be deemed to have been rescinded within the withdrawal period if you send us your written notice of rescission as a letter, fax, or e-mail within with the withdrawal period (time of sending determined by the postmark or timestamp). Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are counted. If you wish to withdraw, you may do so using the attached standard rescission form.

Please address your notice of rescission to:

Personalentwicklung - Zentrum für Weiterbildung, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien

Consequences of Withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we are obligated to promptly return any payments we may have received from you, at the latest by 14 days after the day on which your notice of rescission reached us. Reimbursement takes place via the means of payment that you used for the original transaction unless we have explicitly arranged with you to proceed otherwise; in no case will you be charged any fees for this reimbursement.

If you have explicitly requested that delivery of the contracted services commence during the withdrawal period, you will be required to pay us an appropriate sum that covers the share of the total contracted services rendered prior to the point in time at which you transmitted to us your notice of your rescission of this contract.

Your right of withdrawal, which you enjoy as a matter of principle, is forfeited if the rendering of services began prior to the conclusion of the 14-day withdrawal period at your explicit request and was completed in full (e.g., if you completed the entire course within your withdrawal period).

Cancellation of Registration/Recission of Contract



Notice for mdw Employees


Our courses may be attended during working hours. Exceptions to this rule, however, are the courses involving physical movement. Should a course take place outside of working hours, time spent in the course will be deemed leisure time and, as such, not subject to overtime claims or invoicing for additional services rendered unless the course was explicitly assigned to you by your superior (assigned overtime / additional services).



Further mdw Resources for Webinar Participants

Data protection:

Audio/Video Centre, links and current information:

Improving audio quality:

Playing music on your computer while speaking:


Colleagues support colleagues via the Zoom client on the channel: mdwZoomer – Q&A Contact: