The mdw’s Onboarding Program


The successful admission and integration of new colleagues into the University’s general, artistic, and academic staff numbers among the mdw’s central concerns.

The onboarding programs of the Human Resources Development Office – Centre for Further Education seek to realise this objective, offering both new employees and colleagues in new positions opportunities to get oriented, engage in exchange with colleagues, and network in addition to providing them with specific substantive impulses. The individual modules afford participants comprehensive insights into the mdw’s structure and the diverse areas in which its work takes place. Moreover, our modules also provide an overview of the legislation that governs employment, organisational matters, and studies.

New employees from various fields of work attend programmes tailored to specific target audiences: our course for new administrative employees (Lehrgang für Neueinsteiger_innen – LfN), our introductory modules for new faculty members (Startmodule für Lehrende – SML), the Onboarding for Scientific Project Staff (OPM) programme for new team members in academic and scientific research projects, and the programme mdwBasics for (new) recipients of teaching contracts.

All new employees are sent invitations to their respective programmes in a timely manner, with copies of these invitations going to their superiors.

Our onboarding programs are also open to all colleagues who wish to expand and/or update their knowledge about the mdw and its structures.


Lehrgang für Neueinsteiger_innen (LfN)



The course is divided into three phases. As soon as you start working at mdw, you will receive an invitation to the moodle teaching and learning platform, where you can enter phase 1. There you will find all further information about the course.

An invitation by the Human Resources Developent - Center for Further Education will be issued in due time.


The current programme, as well as further detailed information on the LfN, can be found in Moodle:


Startmodule für Lehrende (SML)

These introductory modules for new teaching staff begin each November and run until February.

An invitation by the Human Resources Developent - Center for Further Education will be issued in due time.



Here the programme 2024/25 for download:

Programme SML 2024/25

Content Module 1-8 (both in German language)


Onboarding for Scientific Project Staff (OPM)

The Onboarding for Scientific Project Staff takes place once a year on one day at the end of January/beginning of February.

An invitation by the Human Resources Developent - Center for Further Education will be issued in due time.





mdwBasics for (new) recipients of teaching contracts


The Onboarding mdwBasics for (new) recipients of teaching contracts is canceld in 2022.

An invitation by the Human Resources Developent - Center for Further Education will be issued in due time.






Dagny Schreiner
Tel.: +43 1 71155-7600

Sophia Simon
Tel.: +43 1 71155-7612

Kimberly Uy-Oco
Tel.: +43 1 71155-7611