Personnel management, personnel development

Guiding  employees, agreeing targets and monitoring compliance:
You document goals and development plans in regular appraisal interviews. This intentional, formal form of discussion must be distinguished from everyday discussions and cannot be replaced by regular communication with employees. Please use the documents provided by HR Development for this purpose. The documentation form must be sent to HR Management after the interview.

To prepare for conducting a MAG, HR Development offers individual coaching sessions as well as workshops at regular intervals as part of the course program.

The appraisal interview (MAG) - 


Team development:

  • What kind of management culture, what kind of error culture do I want to develop?
  • What goals am I pursuing with my team?
  • How do we want to work together?
  • What values and convictions do we follow?
  • What makes us special? What are we strong in?
  • How do we want to improve?
  • What motivates us?
  • What is holding us back?
  • How do we deal with conflicts in the team?

You can find information on holding team days or so-called "retreats" at


Recognize and promote employee potential:
As a manager, it is your responsibility to know the skills and potential of your employees and to support them in developing their skills and talents. In today's "VUCA" world (VUCA = Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), knowledge plays a subordinate role to skills and their development. The focus is on dealing with surprising, unknown, complex situations and problems.

With regard to cooperation in your team, tasks should be distributed among the employees in such a way that they complement and support each other according to their strengths and can ideally learn from each other.

  • What strengths do my employees have (technical, social, communicative, professional...) what areas of development are there, what career options are possible?
  • Which employee-specific personnel development and further training measures can be derived or do the employees strive for?

Our HR management and HR development team will be happy to advise and support you in this regard.



  • How do I ensure a good flow of information?
  • What are common forms of interviewing?
  • Which of these do I want to use and how (analog/digital)?

You can find detailed information on conducting interviews at:


For information on communication equipment (PC, laptop, cell phone, necessary software and other equipment), please contact the Service Center of the Central IT Service (ZID).


Conflict management
Where many different people come together, whether at work or at university, both personal and structural conflicts can arise.
Structural change processes, different perceptions, emotions and sometimes even grievances play a key role here.

Managers play an important role in conflict resolution and make a significant contribution to settling conflicts. The following interventions by managers are central to this:

...timely reaction
...transparent communication
...recognizing different positions and
...finding solutions in the interests of the entire organizational unit


With their comprehensive consulting, coaching and continuing education services, the Department of Human Resources Management and the Human Resources Development - Center for Continuing Education are very happy to support mdw managers in conflict resolution processes.

Initiate/accompany change:

  • What changes do I want to initiate in my organizational unit/team? What are my motives?
  • Am I familiar with the typical phases of change processes?
  • What support do people generally need in situations of change?
  • How do I support my employees in a change process?
  • Is the need for change understood and accepted? Is everyone on board?
  • Could the desired changes lead to rifts or conflicts within the team?
  • Does the organizational / departmental culture even allow for such changes?
  • Should I call in support? Whom?


You can find team and individual coaching, conflict counseling, as well as further training to be able to accompany change processes well at:


You will receive support from Human Resources Management (PM) and Human Resources Development - Center for Continuing Education (ZfW).


(Further) develop leadership understanding and competence:

  • First a colleague, now a manager - how do I manage the role change?
  • What makes me a (good) leader? What suits me?
  • Where does responsible and healthy leadership begin?
  • What characterizes successful leadership and which tools help me achieve this?
  • How do I deal with mixed-generation teams?
  • How does digital leadership work from a distance?

Even experienced managers benefit from regular reflection on these questions. Roles can change over time. Role clarity is a continuous process of negotiation and clarification that requires inner clarity about one's own tasks as well as continuous high awareness of the environment and its rapidly changing requirements.


Information on management coaching, management training within the framework of Human Resources Development - Center for Further Education (ZfW) and collegial forums at the mdw can be found here:


Be a role model (self-leadership):

  • What is important to me? What are my fundamental values?
  • What do I stand for as a manager? How do I show that?
  • Am I continuing to develop? Personally and in my role as a manager?
  • Do I myself exemplify what I expect from others?


Health-promoting and motivating leadership:
Research results* show that the management behavior of direct superiors in particular has a strong influence on the health of employees. This effect can be seen in both positive and negative ways. But what is a health-promoting management style and what needs to be considered in order to promote the health and motivation of employees?

*See also: Absenteeism Report 1999, [...] 2020, Editors: Badura, B., Ducki, A., Schröder, H., Klose, J., Meyer, M. (last accessed: January 2021)

Among other things, it is considered beneficial to health if the manager

...communicates clear and binding guidelines, explains tasks and decisions, and shares information that is necessary for understanding the overall context.
...recognizes the performance of employees and treats them with respect. sufficient feedback.
...trusts its employees and gives them responsibilities. scope for action.
...recognizes overloads and takes the search for possible solutions into their own hands.
...advocates and supports further training.
...facilitates participation in health-promoting events. present in conflict situations and exerts influence.
...acts as a role model in terms of self-management.
...knows which contact points and support services can be contacted in acute stress situations.