Positioning, orientation and development of the organizational unit

Strategic considerations:

  • What goals do Austria's public universities generally pursue?
  • Which principles are guiding and which tasks are to be fulfilled according to the University Act? (see UG §1, 2 and 3)
  • What strategic goals does the mdw pursue and what values does it adhere to? What goals and visions do I have and what do I need to implement them with my team?
  • How can I orient myself strategically and operationally in the performance and organization of my work?


Information on the legal basis, strategic objectives, the understanding of values and quality, the development plan, the performance agreement, the target agreements and regulations as well as guidelines can be found here:


Profiling measures:

  • What do I want my institute or department team to stand for? Innovative teaching, special artistic, scientific, pedagogical achievements, outstanding services? (renowned personalities at the institute, competitions, projects and events (concerts, symposia, conferences) with a high impact factor, use of innovative practices, a particularly diverse team, acquisition of third-party funds, publications, prizes, honors ...)
  • How does my institute, my organizational unit present itself to the outside world?  (Website, use of social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook; What does a social media strategy look like that works? (What content is posted when, via which channel, for which target group and how often?)


Networking (internal/external):
Who should I know? (relevant mdw employees (e.g. for support in handling administrative tasks), deans of studies, cooperation partners (internal/external), academic and/or artistic networks and platforms (your own community as well as current topics), the national, DACH, international funding landscape...)


Cooperation (internal/external):
See Networking (internal/external)


Conducting target agreement meetings with the Rectorate:
Every three years, new, more far-reaching goals are agreed for the organizational unit in connection with the development plan and the performance agreements with the Rectorate.

  • What specific objectives can be derived from the project and target descriptions of the performance agreements for my organizational unit?
  • What follow-up goals result from goals already achieved in previous years?
  • What other goals are important for me to agree on?


Participation in the process of shaping the overall university orientation:
At the mdw, there are many opportunities to become proactively involved in shaping the overall organization through your own department, e.g. by participating in the development plan, in strategy processes, in collegial bodies or by initiating/co-designing (cooperation) projects, senate working groups, networking activities and much more.