ICTM Joint Symposium 2018

of the Study Group on Music and Minorities and the Study Group on Music and Gender

ICTM Joint SymposiumGrafik: mdw

A joint symposium of two study groups of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) will take place at the mdw from 23 – 30 July 2018.

The ICTM Study Groups are important forums for scientific exchange on specific disciplines within ethnomusicology. Two of these study groups, those on "Music and Minorities" and "Music and Gender", will meet for the first time at the mdw for a joint symposium.

The focus of the symposium is on the promotion of music- and dance-related discourses on minorities and gender/sexuality as well as their intersections. In addition to lectures and panel sessions, the symposium will include a concert, a book presentation and workshops.

Free admission!

Please register at: ictm2018@mdw.ac.at


Please find the detailed programme in the PDF document:

You may also download the factsheet for the excursion on Thursday, 26 July:

ICTM Joint Symposium
23 – 30 July 2018
Fanny Hensel-Hall
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna