Welcome to the homepage of the FWF research project Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores. Learn more about the project, or browse through our database: Here you can explore the structure of Viennese opera scores, discover numerous watermarks in high-resolution images, and identify the handwriting of various copyists working in Vienna with the help of the Copyist Identifier.
+++Decorated papers covering our scores +++Staff ruling: list completed +++Theresia Ziss managing a copyist workshop +++Decorated papers covering our scores +++Staff ruling: list completed +++Theresia Ziss managing a copyist workshop +++Decorated papers covering our scores +++Staff ruling: list completed +++Theresia Ziss managing a copyist workshop
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21939/x9gthx
License: CCBY-SA
Last edited: 30.01.2025
How to cite:
Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores / P & C Home, last edited 30.01.2025,
https://doi.org/10.21939/x9gthx, retrieved