Tetide (Mus.Hs.17778)       

ComposerGluck, Christoph Willibald
Date of performance1760-10-10 Premiere
Dating of manuscript1760
NotesUnaware of the actual date of performance, Zechmeister (Die Wiener Theater 1971, p. 474) incorrectly dates the score to 1761.
Number of volumes1
Coverbrocade paper - green
PaperP59, P60, P63, P67, P75
Copyist(s)WK60A, WK60B, WK62A
Workshop WK60B – Boniface Champée
Detailed information Gluck_17778
LibraryÖsterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Library holding A-Wn Mus.Hs.17778
External links RISM Catalogue
RISM Online
Gluck Gesamtausgabe