La corona (27.4.4)       

ComposerGluck, Christoph Willibald
Date of performance1765-10-04
Dating of manuscript1765
NotesThe opera was composed in honor of Emperor Franz Stephan’s name day, which was supposed to be celebrated on October 4, 1765, in Innsbruck, where the court was staying for the wedding festivities of Archduke Leopold and Maria Ludovica of Spain in August 1765. However, the Emperor died unexpectedly, so a performance of the opera did not take place. Even copyists from Vienna were staying in Innsbruck in July and August (see Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Finanz-Hofkammerarchiv, Hofzahlamtsbuch 386, fol. 17v). The score was written by a Viennese copyist on paper that was not typically used in Vienna, suggesting that the score was created in Innsbruck during the summer of 1765.
Number of volumes1
Detailed information Gluck_27.4.4
LibraryBiblioteca del Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella, Naples
Library holding I-Nc 27.4.4
External links RISM Catalogue
RISM Online
Gluck Gesamtausgabe
Former owner(s)1. Archduchess Maria Carolina (1752–1814)
2. Conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini