La schiava (30.3.28–29)       

ComposerPiccinni, Niccolò
Date of performance1765-04-20 Viennese Premiere
Dating of manuscript1765
NotesThe manuscript was written at the time of the Viennese premiere in 1765. A note of the librarian Francesco Rondinella (19th century) on the title page indicates the world premiere of the work: "Napoli 1757."
Number of volumes2
PaperP22, P65, P87
Copyist(s)WK68H, WK71K, WK71P, WK73F
Workshop WK71P – Therese Ziss
Detailed information Piccinni_30.3.28–29
LibraryBiblioteca del Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella, Naples
Library holding I-Nc 30.3.28–29
External links RISM Catalogue
RISM Online
Former owner(s)1. Archduchess Maria Carolina (1752–1814)
2. Conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini