L'amore soldato (Mus.Hs.17831)       

ComposerSacchini, Antonio
Date of performance-
Dating of manuscript1778 or later
NotesThe manuscript was written at the earliest in 1778, the year when Sacchini’s opera was first performed in London. Besides the fact that the score became part of the Imperial music collection at some point, there is no evidence of any relation to Vienna. As far as we know, the opera was not performed there and the two copyists did not work on any other manuscript examined in the P&C project. Further evidence for a later origin of the score can be found in the watermarks of the three papers used in the manuscript. All three of them show the letters REAL, a way of indicating the size and weight of the paper which was used starting from 1774. It is not clear whether or not the score was written in Vienna.
Number of volumes1
Coverblock printed paper
PaperP14, P45, P46
Detailed information Sacchini_17831
LibraryÖsterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Library holding A-Wn Mus.Hs.17831
External links RISM Catalogue
RISM Online