Inclusion Through Eurhythmics, Music and Movement
My Erasmus Teaching at KMH, Stockholm
After being involved in the three-year Erasmus+ project “Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice” (EEAP) from 2020 to 2023, I was invited in January 2024 by my colleague Prof. Eva Nivbrant Wedin to return to the KMH – Kungliga Musikhögskolan in Stockholm to teach eurhythmics and music pedagogy students in the field of inclusion.
The aim was to get in touch with, to experience, and to reflect on methodical approaches for inclusive teaching in and through music and movement. Inclusion is an essential aspect that we are all called upon to address, based on the UN-CRPD (2006). For this, I also presented and worked with the students on the digital platform “Eurhythmics in inclusive settings” on “Atlas of Eurhythmics”, a platform situated on the KMH homepage as one of the intellectual outputs of the EEAP project.
Because my exchange ran as a combined mobility, I also had the chance to visit the daily activity centre “Madis 5” for persons with intellectual disabilities, where artistic activities in music, arts, film, performance, and theatre take place. They try to give all participants an inclusive environment for showing their artistic abilities online, on stage, or in international projects. I was impressed by their hospitality, liveliness, and English language skills.
In addition to teaching and shadowing, I met colleagues from the former EEAP project and got to know other teachers from the KMH. I could also talk with a colleague and PhD student as well as with a supervisor, and we had an intense exchange on the common (PhD) topics we are working on. And: we shared ideas for working on further international projects …
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