Axel Petri-Preis

Axel Petri-Preis is Senior Scientist and deputy head of the mdw’s Department of Music Education Research, Music Didactics and Elementary Music Education. He is co-speaker of the Forum Musikvermittlung an Hochschulen und Universitäten and founder and co-editor of the International Journal of Music Mediation (IJMM). His most recent publications include the monography Musikvermittlung lernen (transcript, 2022), which was the recipient of the mdw’s Herta und Kurt Blaukopf Award, and the collection Tuning Up!: The Innovative Potential of Musikvermittlung (co-edited with Sarah Chaker; transcript, 2022). November will see the release of the Handbuch Musikvermittlung, edited in collaboration with Johannes Voit.

Posts by Axel Petri-Preis

Teaching music mediation in Canada

In April 2023 mdw faculty Axel Petri-Preis taught at the École d´été en médiation de la musique / Summer School on Music Mediation on the campus of the Orford Musique, about a two-hour drive from Montreal. mdw students Hannah Eberle and Sara Glanzer were nominated for taking part in the unique summer school.