It was with a total of five former students that the mdw was represented in this year’s production of Jedermann at the Salzburg Festival. Tobias Moretti, who once briefly studied composing at the mdw, played the main role, Max Reinhardt Seminar graduate Stefanie Reinsperger played the important role of “die Buhlschaft”, and both were enthusiastically received by the audience.
Former Film Academy student Michael Sturminger assumed the stage direction at short notice: he had three months to create an entirely new production that was to be both less expensive and more contemporary than before, and the results were controversial amongst both the audience and the critics. Other former Max Reinhardt Seminar students were Hanno Koffler as “Teufel / Guter Gesell” and Johannes Silberschneider, who took the stage this year as “Glaube”.