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Quatuor Zaïde

They all won! And what now?

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With the 7th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition just around the corner, we take a look into the rear-view mirror and ask previous participants what significance the competition has had for them.
Leonard Bernstein Institut für Konzertfach Blas- und Schlaginstrumente

An Optimist through and through

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Since the autumn of last year, Barbara Strack-Hanisch has headed the Leonard Bernstein Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments.
Goldener Saal Musikverein Wien

Bathing in Beethoven

In the early summer of 2017, young pianists will converge on the mdw for the 15th time to prove their Beethoven expertise before an international jury and the Viennese public.

Alumni in Focus: FIJUKA

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Das Deutsch-Österreichische Duo FIJUKA mischt die österreichische Musikszene mit experimentierfreudigem Pop auf. Wir sprachen mit Judith Filimónova über Studienerinnerungen und Zukunftspläne.
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