Home Report (page 4)


A New Networking Platform for mdw Graduates

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In March 2024, the new platform “Connect mdw” will go online and offer free networking for mdw alumni and other members of the mdw community. Those who register will be able to access contacts from the mdw’s network in a way that’s custom-tailored to their own desires and interests.

Gertraud Cerha: Musician, Pedagogue, Music Mediator

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This past October, on the occasion of her 95th birthday, members of the public had the privilege of experiencing this exceptional personality in conversation at the mdw as part of an “Evening for and with Gertraud Cerha” at which a presentation of archival material also offered exclusive glimpses into her life and work.

The Music Physiology Certificate Programme

Since the establishment of the mdw’s certificate programme in Music Physiology seven years ago, its total of 66 graduates have included twelve members of the mdw teaching faculty. This programme’s objective is to create an awareness around healthy music-making among music teachers—whether they work at the University or in music schools.

SPOTLIGHT ON: The New Heads of the Leonard Bernstein Department

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Since October of last year, a new leading team has been at the helm of the Leonard Bernstein Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments. Michael Pircher, Michaela Reingruber, and Martin Mühlfellner speak about ongoing projects, the style of teamwork they’ve developed, and the goals they’ve set themselves for the coming four years.

Higher Education Didactics: The Art of Teaching the Arts

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Since last autumn, higher education didactics expert Caroline Ebel has been responsible for working with the studies commissions on the development of teaching at our institution as well as for the advising, coaching, and professional development of faculty. In the following conversation with mdw Magazine, Ebel provides an initial impression of how her work has been progressing.

IN.TUNE – Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe

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In January 2024, the mdw is co-launching the first European University Alliance in the area of music and performing arts. In July 2023, the EU Commission granted the mdw and seven European partner universities approval for IN.TUNE.

New Spaces and Climate Protection Under the Same Roof

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The loft conversion at the mdw Campus is now finished, providing enhanced energy efficiency and more space for mdw departments. On 13 October 2023, the mdw and the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG), Austria’s federal property manager, celebrated the grand opening of the converted loft spaces at the mdw’s main campus on Anton-von-Webern-Platz.

The mdw’s Summertime Campus in the Vienna Alps

Those who succeed in being invited to participate in the International Summer Academy of the mdw—affectionately known as “isa”—can expect more than just master classes with top-flight artists. isa’s numerous event venues also invite one to discover the Semmering-Rax region’s immense culturohistorical significance.
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