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Review: YouTube and Music. Online Culture and Everyday Life

In the multi-author volume YouTube and Music. Online Culture and Everyday Life, edited by Holly Rogers, Joana Freitas, and João Francisco Porfírio, various contributors shed light on how record companies, musicians, and users take advantage of YouTube’s potential.

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Review: Die Eroberung des Museums [Conquering the Museum]

Die Eroberung des Museums by Ina Roß investigates how the Tribal Museum (founded in 2013) of the City of Bhopal, which lies in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, has been appropriated and also co-determined by its visitors since it opened.

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Music-Making at the Medical University of Vienna’s Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics

At the Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics (CCP) of the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni Wien)/Vienna General Hospital (AKH), which employs a network of experts specialised in pregnant individuals, children, and adolescents, it has proven possible to establish a music-making workshop with a focus on instrumental education as part of the hospital’s school for young long-term patients.

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“Sharing is Caring”, or: Why the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies Disciplines Should not Cede the Stage(s) to Others

“External science communication” refers to the practice of communicating and lending visibility to research results, protagonists of academic life, and entire research disciplines for the benefit of non-academic audiences of all ages.

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“We’re looking to keep this topic on a constant simmer.”

What’s the present-day significance of music-related commemorative work? And just how might one familiarise people with “ostracised music” in the absence of contemporary witnesses? On these topics, Priska Seidl spoke with Volker Ahmels and Gerold Gruber at the Festival Verfemte Musik [Festival of Ostracised Music] in Schwerin.

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Review: Dialektik der Schrift. Zu Adornos Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion [Dialectics of the Written. On Adorno’s Theory of Musical Reproduction]

It was to this fragment, hitherto viewed as being of secondary importance in research on Adorno, that the initiators of the international D-A-CH project “Writing Music. Iconic, performative, operative and material aspects in musical notation(s)” devoted the 2019 conference “Music, Writing, Difference – An Interdisciplinary Conference on Adorno’s Theory of Musical Reproduction”, which was held at the Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna.

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Review: Inklusives Musizieren. Praxis, Pädagogik, Ästhetik am Beispiel der All Stars Inclusive Band Wien

The newly released fourth volume of the Viennese music education-related publication series wiener reihe musikpädagogik revolves around inclusive music-making in all its breadth, covering its practical, pedagogical, and aesthetic dimensions including actual music-making practice.

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