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Review: Zauber, Improvisation, Virtuosität. Schriften zur Musik

The thinking of French philosopher and musicologist Vladimir Jankélévitch has been known to German-speaking readers since 2016 thanks to a formidable translation of his 1961 tract La Musique et l’Ineffable (Music and the Ineffable).

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The 2020 “Long Night of Research” at the mdw’s exil.arte Centre

Austrian musicologist Gerold W. Gruber is the founder and head of the mdw’s exil.arte Centre. exil.arte functions as a point of contact and interface for research on as well as the reception, preservation, and presentation of works by Austrian composers, musicians, and music researchers who were deemed “degenerate” by the Third Reich.

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Review: Roads to Music Sociology

This anthology arose as a follow-up publication to a 2015 conference with which the mdw’s Department of Music Sociology celebrated 50 years of existence.

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