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Tag Archives: #2020-2

Singing at School Karl-Gerhard Straßl

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For us human beings, singing has always been a thing of fundamental importance. Music educators and choral experts, however, have long been aware that the situation with regard to singing in schools has been growing dramatically worse.

Of Heroes Old and New

Even if isa’s 2020 focus on heroism might initially strike one as anachronistic, the fact is that the celebration and/or rejection of heroes is an immanent part of cultural systems. An ongoing search for guiding figures sees individuals from politics and various sports stylised as heroes, while the term “everyday heroes” is reserved for those working as firefighters and rescue personnel.

Heroes, Canons, Cults. Critical Inquiries: isaScience Conference, 2020 Dagmar Abfalter, Karoline Feyertag, Marko Kölbl, Rosa Reitsamer, Fritz Trümpi

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In the run-up to the 30th International Summer Academy of the mdw, the present year will also see the Semmering region host the eighth edition of isaScience. This conference invites researchers, arts professionals, and activists of all academic levels and from various academic disciplines relevant to music and the performing arts in general to join in the discourse on “Heroes?!”, this year’s thematic emphasis at isa.
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