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Tag Archives: #2022-2

Alumnus in Focus: Stephen Lam

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Community Outreach was one of the main ideas behind this dedicated conductor’s return to Asia after graduating from the mdw. He now works with formations including the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra, offers various kinds of training, and designs educational programmes for the musical youth of his home country.

Gabriele Possanner State Prize Goes to Rosa Reitsamer

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Rosa Reitsamer has received the Gabriele Possanner State Prize of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for her work as a preeminent expert in intersectional gender research within the field of music sociology.

Olga Neuwirth to Receive 2022 Ernst von Siemens Music Prize

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This March, Olga Neuwirth was announced as the 2022 recipient of the international Ernst von Siemens Music Prize. This prize, worth € 250,000, is regarded as the most important classical music award in the German-speaking region.

Xenakis 2022: Back to the Roots

To mark the hundredth birthday of the Greek-French composer Iannis Xenakis, the mdw’s Department of Musicology and Performance Studies (IMI) and Special University Programme in Electroacoustic and Experimental Music (ELAK) have teamed up with the festival Wiener Festwochen to organise a symposium on Xenakis’s electroacoustic oeuvre that is scheduled to take place from 19 to 21 May 2022.
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