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Tag Archives: #2022-4

Special: The Arts and Health

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Viele von uns kennen das vielleicht: Wenn sich die ersten Rückenschmerzen im Alltag auftun, wird einem bewusst, dass man einfach nicht jünger wird und ein bisschen mehr Bewegung wahrscheinlich auch kein Fehler wäre.

Zawinul 90: A Trilogy at the Department of Popular Music

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Joe Zawinul was born in Vienna on 7 July 1932 and grew up not far from the mdw Campus in Vienna’s 3rd district. He eventually came to number among the 20th century’s most influential jazz musicians. And now, the big.mdw.band—the University’s big band at the Department of Popular Music—has taken what would have been Zawinul’s 90th birthday as an opportunity to engage with his music and life’s work in a three-semester concert trilogy.

Spectacular Sound!

Providing audiences and musicians with good live sound reproduction represents an important area of work for Tonmeisters and is one focus of the mdw’s exceptionally multifaceted Tonmeister Education degree programme. And for the first time since this programme’s move to the new Future Art Lab (FAL) at the mdw campus, it was possible to implement live sound setups as part of teaching.

Review: Inklusives Musizieren. Praxis, Pädagogik, Ästhetik am Beispiel der All Stars Inclusive Band Wien

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The newly released fourth volume of the Viennese music education-related publication series wiener reihe musikpädagogik revolves around inclusive music-making in all its breadth, covering its practical, pedagogical, and aesthetic dimensions including actual music-making practice.

Talking Pictures: Achieving Lively Speech with Mental Imagery

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There are those people to whom, when they speak, we could listen forever—almost no matter what they say; it somehow touches us and sweeps us along. And then there are others whom we can’t follow; sitting in the theatre, we grow restless or can’t quite manage to absorb what they’re declaiming. Why is this so?

Care Through Music – Music’s Role in Healthcare Professionals’ Work and Well-Being

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In this interview with mdw Magazine, she speaks about her experiences as a musician in healthcare and as a researcher studying the power of music to catalyse social change in hospitals and nursing homes for both patients and residents, but above all for the involved healthcare professionals, whom music helps to experience deeper humane connections in on-the-job interactions in the face of their everyday professional lives’ enormous demands.

Music Therapy Opens Doors

Im September 2022 war Lilly Haller zusammen mit ihrer Musiktherapeutin Brigitte Meier-Sprinz und dem betreuenden Neuropädiater Andreas Sprinz als Vortragende zu Gast an der mdw beim Symposium Music Therapy with Families in Wien.

Experiencing—and Learning from— Music’s Effects on Health

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Stärkung des Wohlbefindens, Ablenkung von Krankheit und Sorgen, Burnout-Prävention, Verminderung des Stress-Levels: Musik im Gesundheitsbereich hat vielfache Wirkungen. Die mdw ist durch ihre Lehrenden und Studierenden an diversen Musik- und Forschungsprojekten im Gesundheitsbereich beteiligt.

Art and Health

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A conversation about the healthy practice of one’s art, the situation in everyday professional life, and ways of creating awareness with Vice Rector for Organisational Development, Gender, & Diversity Gerda Müller, Department of Music and Movement Education/Rhythmics and Music Physiology head Bernhard Riebl, and the newly arrived voice professor Eva Maria Riedl-Buschan, Department of Vocal Studies and Music Theatre.
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