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Tag Archives: acting

On the Road with the Graduating Class

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For several years, now, the Standing Conference on Actors’ Training (Ständige Konferenz Schauspielausbildung – SKS) has been organising central auditions for the German-speaking region’s acting schools. At these events, students from the current year’s graduating classes present themselves to specialist audiences with an eye to landing engagements at the region’s various theatres. In the following, students from the graduating class of 2022 provide us with some impressions of their whirlwind trip to Neuss, Berlin, and Munich for the graduate auditions known as the Absolvent_innen-Vorspiele.
Max Reinhardt Seminar

The Max Reinhardt Seminar Turns 90

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It was in 1928 that the “Acting and Directing Seminar”, founded and subsequently headed by Max Reinhardt, officially set up shop at Schlosstheater Schönbrunn.
Die rote Zora und ihre Bande am Volkstheater Wien

“In the End, It’s ‘Just’ Theatre.”

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The 24-year-old German actor spoke with mdw Magazine about her fear of the acting profession, her plans for the future, and why she wants to play Jedermann in Salzburg.
Magie im Staffellauf

Passing on the Magic

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Burgtheater actors Regina Fritsch, Maria Happel, and Roland Koch speak about how they teach character development at the Max Reinhardt Seminar.
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