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Tag Archives: Einleitung


Special: Human Rights

One needn’t to look far to see how things like undue political influence, state interventions, economic conditions, national borders, and lots more can infringe upon human rights, whose enjoyment thus by no means goes without saying.

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Special: Early Music

A new home for the oldest repertoire: with the establishment of the mdw’s 25th department, instrumentalists and singers now have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of historically informed performance more fully than ever before.

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Special: Beethoven 2020

We’ve all probably got some Beethoven clichés and images of Beethoven (and his head) kicking around in our own heads. But in this jubilee year of 2020, we’re aiming our gazes far beyond the usual notions of this famous Viennese-by-choice: Just who was this pianist, composer, artist, human being?

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Special: Diversity

The goal of a truly diverse university is a lofty one. Making people fully aware of deep-seated patterns of thought and action as well as structural discrimination and both inclusionary and exclusionary criteria (in contexts such as entrance exams), calling these into question, and opening up new perspectives—all this and more plays a central role where diversity is concerned.

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