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mdw Plus: Come join us!

Perhaps your transition out of active professional life at the mdw was many years back, or you’ve just recently retired. But whatever the case, you still reminisce about your active working life. Many of us would like to remain in contact with the mdw as well as with former colleagues—and this inspired us to launch a project that includes regular get-togethers at the University.


Key Thoughts with Maria Happel

In the series “What do the arts have to do with the Earth’s climate?”, the “Green mdw” initiative is inviting concerned individuals to speak out on their personal approaches to this issue. Maria Happel, born in Spessart, Germany in 1962, joined the ensemble of the Burgtheater in Vienna following engagements in Cologne, Hannover, and Bremen between 1991 and 1999.

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Creative (Mis-)Understandings in Vienna and Budapest

The outcomes of the artistic research project Creative (Mis-)Understandings: Methodologies of Inspiration, led by Johannes Kretz and Wei-Ya Lin and sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (PEEK-FWF), were presented to a broader public at the Weltmuseum Wien on 20 May and at the Magyar Zene Háza (House of Hungarian Music) on 23 May.


Mythos Mozart

It all came together in September: “Mythos Mozart”, a brand-new multimedia experience covering 1,500 square metres beneath the Steffl department store that invites visitors to immerse themselves in Mozart’s world, officially opened its doors to the public.


Gabriele Possanner State Prize Goes to Rosa Reitsamer

Rosa Reitsamer has received the Gabriele Possanner State Prize of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for her work as a preeminent expert in intersectional gender research within the field of music sociology.

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A Special Birthday Celebration Barbara Gisler-Haase

It was at the Vienna Central Cemetery that Franz (Albert) Doppler, born in Lemberg (present-day Lviv, Ukraine) on 16 October 1821 as the son of a military musician, was laid to rest following a long and active career. Not long ago, on 16 October 2021, Doppler’s gravesite witnessed a small celebration with prominent participants to mark his 200th birthday.

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