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Tag Archives: rezension

Review: Instrumentalists and Instrumental Practice at the Court of Albrecht V of Bavaria, 1550–1579

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For those who’ve thus far heard music by Orlando di Lasso performed mainly as a cappella “vocal music”, Bernhard Rainer’s book presents an opportunity to discover some new aspects—such as how Lasso effectively staged music via its arrangement, instrumentation, and richly varied performance.

Review: Lieder, Geister und Tabus. Zum soziokulturellen Wandel der Musiktradition bei den Tao in Taiwan

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This newly published dissertation (2015) by Wei-Ya Lin promises insights into the “holistic musical concept” of an indigenous population known as the Tao on Lanyu (one of the islands of Taiwan) “that is inseparably interwoven with all areas of life”.

Review: Einführung in die Kulturbetriebslehre

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Even if the field of cultural management—to which Cultural Institutions Studies as developed in Vienna belongs—is a relatively young field of study, there do exist a number of introductions to it that are intended for use in academic teaching.

Review: Roads to Music Sociology

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This anthology arose as a follow-up publication to a 2015 conference with which the mdw’s Department of Music Sociology celebrated 50 years of existence.

Review: Hugo Kauder (1888–1972): Komponist – Musikphilosoph – Theoretiker,­ Eine Biographie

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With her recent monograph on Hugo Kauder published in 2018 as part of the series exil.arte-Schriften, musicologist Karin Wagner has given the interested reading public a biography of a composer, music philosopher, and theoretician who was forced to flee National Socialist-ruled Austria.
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