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Special: KlangBildKlang

What is KlangBildKlang? This large-scale mdw project, whose name translates as “SoundImageSound”, may indeed evoke the odd question. Is the focus on sound, here, or actually more on visual depiction? The answer is neither-nor. It’s much rather about interaction—between not just sounds and images, but also people, mdw departments, performing venues, and organisations.

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Special: Anton Bruckner | Arnold Schönberg: Jubilees in Focus

Special birthdays make it possible to regard artists’ works in a new light, reinterpret them, and perhaps also spot things that had previously gone undiscovered, with new approaches to familiar things facilitating the understanding of new aspects. In this spirit, the current special invites you to find out just how multifaceted the outstanding composers Anton Bruckner and Arnold Schönberg were.

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Special: Exile

Exile can take on many forms. In rare cases it might be chosen and voluntary. However, most exiled individuals have been driven away, banished, politically persecuted, or stripped of their citizenship—with no choice but to leave the places they called home.

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Special: The Music Education Cosmos

Music education is far more than “just” music class at school; it’s much rather a realm of complex interplay between art, pedagogy, and scientific and scholarly pursuits. This is borne out by the diverse opportunities for related study at the mdw, the numerous areas in which graduates and faculty are active, and a wide variety of educational and research projects.

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Special: Protest

Protest has many faces—and today, as in the past, we encounter it in the most varied ways, be it as traffic interventions intended to call attention to climate change or through those frequent news reports that tell of the courageous demonstrators in Iran and highlight the life-threatening consequences that their acts of protest entail.

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Special: Ligeti 100

Artists’ 100th birthdays are eagerly embraced as opportunities to take a renewed deep dive into their oeuvres. In 2023, both on these pages and elsewhere, the mdw is devoting special attention to the Hungarian-Austrian composer György Ligeti.

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Special: The Arts and Health

Viele von uns kennen das vielleicht: Wenn sich die ersten Rückenschmerzen im Alltag auftun, wird einem bewusst, dass man einfach nicht jünger wird und ein bisschen mehr Bewegung wahrscheinlich auch kein Fehler wäre.

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Special: Film music

When you think of film music, what melody comes to mind first? Ennio Morricone’s “Man with a Harmonica” from Once Upon a Time in the West, perhaps? Or the Star Wars theme, or even a film music classic by Erich Wolfgang Korngold?

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Special: Conducting

The “language” of conductors consists of gestures and motions. For those who haven’t mastered them, they’re frequently intriguing to watch—and for all those who have, they represent just one aspect of those numerous important skills that are essential to communicating with musicians, an orchestra, or a choir.

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Special: Ephemeral

When we get goosebumps at a concert, when our eyes tear up at the words we hear spoken onstage, or when we hold our breaths out of excitement during some other type of performance, what we’re experiencing are one-of-a-kind moments that can’t be reproduced in all their aspects—or, for that matter, repeated in exactly the same way.

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