Report Just P(l)ay! Music as Labour The Theme of isaScience19 as a Scholarly Reinterpretation of Just Play!?
Research Telling Music History (Differently?) – Music History Research Using Audio-Visual Sources Since the dawn of the 20th-century, sounds and images conveyed via various media have been playing an ever-greater role in the shaping of our world and living environment.
Research What is Open Science? And to What End is Science Open?* „Open Science [is] just science done right.“
Research Review: Transkulturelle Erkundungen This book marks the culmination of a lecture series that explored the notion of transculturality from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Research “I don’t pass judgement; I observe.” This past June, the ethnomusicologist Ursula Hemetek became the first woman professor at an arts university to receive the Wittgenstein Award.