
How to cite

How to cite

Campagne, Augusta, and Markus Grassl. 2024. “Appendix.” In ‘Universum Rei Harmonicae Concentum Absolvunt’. The Harpsichord in the Sixteenth Century, edited by Augusta Campagne and Markus Grassl. Wien: mdwPress. Cite

Chapter PDF

Programme of the Symposium

‘universum rei harmonicae concentum absolvunt’
Das Cembalo im 16. Jahrhundert / The Harpsichord in the 16th Century
Symposium – Workshops – Recitals

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Department of Musicology and Performance Studies and Department of Early Music

Vienna, 20–22 April 2021

Tuesday, 20 April

9:30 – 10:45 Opening
Introduction (Augusta Campagne / Markus Grassl)

Keynote Lecture and Recital
Catalina Vicens (Brussels / Leiden / Basel): The Rhetoric of Sweetness: Towards Ideals of Perception and Performance in Sixteenth-Century Keyboard Music

11:15 – 13:00 Papers
John Griffiths (Melbourne / Tours): Imaginary Interchangeability: Notation, Keyboards and Lutes in the Sixteenth Century

Domen Marinčič (Lubljana): ‘nach seinem selbst gefallen mit der Mensur wexln’: Varying the Beat in Sixteenth-Century Keyboard Music on Account of Ornamentation and Changing Note Values

14:30 – 16:30 Lecture Recitals
Paweł Gancarczyk (Warsaw) / Corina Marti (Basel): Traces of the Renaissance Harpsichord in Poland

Christina Edelen (Den Haag): Beyond Sweelinck: The Sixteenth Century Harpsichord in the Lowlands

17:00 – 20:00 Workshop Nicholas Parle (Vienna / London)

Wednesday, 21 April

9:30 – 12:30 Workshop Corina Marti (Basel)

13:15 – 15:15 Lecture Recitals
Vania Dal Maso (Verona): On Performing Josquin’s Chansons on the Clavicytherium

Fabio Antonio Falcone (Geneva): Andrea Antico – Frottole Intabulate Da Sonare Organi Libro Primo

15:45 – 17:45 Lecture Recitals
Gwendolyn Toth (New York): Let Me Die: Rhetoric, Poetry and Intabulations on Themes of Ovid

Thérèse de Goede (Amsterdam): Glossing Cadences and Descanting over a Tenor: Improvising Diminution and Counterpoint According to Diego Ortiz, Thomas de Sancta Maria and Antonio de Cabezón

18:15 – 19:30 Papers
Janie Cole (Cape Town): From Lisbon via Goa to Shewa: Harpsichords, Missionaries and Musical Encounters in Late Renaissance Ethiopia

Ian Pritchard (Los Angeles): Hacking the System: Italian Keyboard Tablature as Observed Through Scribal Habit

Thursday, 22 April

9:30 – 10:45 Papers
Maria Luisa Baldassari (Bologna): Le mani di Cecilia: Keyboard Players in Italian Renaissance Paintings

Heidelinde Pollerus (Graz): „Aussehen und Ansehen“. Phänomene der Dekoration historischer Tasteninstrumente im 16. Jahrhundert

11:15 – 13:00 Lecture Recital
Andrés Cea Galán (Sevilla): Antonio de Cabezón at the Center of the World: The Repertory, the Interpretation, the Meaning

14:30 – 16:30 Workshop Andrés Cea Galán

17:00 – 20:00 Workshop Catalina Vicens

General Abbreviations

attr. attributed
b./bb. bar(s)
c. circa
cap. capitulum
ch. chapter
cit. cited
ed., eds. editor(s)/edited
esp. especially
et al. et alia, -i, -ae
ex., exs. example(s)
f. and following
facs. facsimile
fasc. fascicle
fig., figs. figure(s)
fl. floruit
fol./fols. folio(s)
ibid. ibidem
inv. inventory
lib. libro/liber
m./mm. measure/measures
MS Manuscript
n. footnote
n.a. not available
n.d. no date
no. number
n.p. no place
n.pag. no pagination
p./pp. page(s)
pt. part
r. reign(ed)
repr. reprint/reprinted
rev. revised
s.d. sine dato
tab./tabs. table(s)
trans. translated/translation
vol./vols. volume(s)

Bibliographical Abbreviations

AfMw Archiv für Musikwissenschaft
AnM Anuario musical
BJbHM Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis
Brown Howard Mayer Brown, Instrumental Music Printed Before 1600: A Bibliography (Cambridge MA, 1967)
CMM Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
EdM Das Erbe deutscher Musik
EM Early Music
EMH Early Music History
JAMIS Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society
JAMS Journal of the American Musicological Society
JM Journal of Musicology
JMT Journal of Music Theory
JRMA Journal of the Royal Musical Association
MD Musica Disciplina
MGG Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, ed. Friedrich Blume, 17 vols. (Kassel, 1949–1986)
MGG2 Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, zweite neubearbeitete Ausgabe, hrsg. von Ludwig Finscher, 29 vols. (Kassel/Stuttgart, 1994–2008)
MQ The Musical Quarterly
NASS Nassarre. Revista aragonesa de musicología
New Grove The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, 20 vols. (London, 1980)
New Grove2 The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Second Edition, ed. Stanley Sadie, 29 vols. (London, 2001)
RdM Revista de musicología
RIDM Rivista italiana di musicologia
RISM Répertoire International des Sources Musicales: B/I: Récueils Imprimés XVIe–XVIIe siècles (Munich/Duisburg, 1960)
RMl Revue de musicologie
RRMR Recent Researches in the Music of the Renaissance
VD 16 Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (
VD 17 Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (
vdm Verzeichnis deutscher Musikfrühdrucke (