Master of Arts in Recorder

The Recorder MA programme is a practice-oriented course of professional training at a very high level of artistry and instrumental technique, building upon the competencies acquired in a Recorder BA programme or an equivalent programme of study at a recognised domestic or foreign institution of postsecondary education.

This programme aims to provide practice-oriented qualifications as professional performers while training students to be strong, independent, and innovative musicians with individual profiles who fulfil the high professional standards demanded by modern musical life.


  • Duration: 4 semester
  • Graduation with a: Master of Arts (MA)
  • Registration period for entrance examination: 1 March 2024 – 15 May 2024
  • Entrance examination date: listed on the website of the Department of Early Music
  • Tuition: detailed information
  • Prerequisites: successful entrance exam; prior completion of a thematically related bachelor’s degree or diploma programme; documentation of German skills (please see “Information on Entrance Examinations”)
  • Information on entrance examinations: PDF [ger] | PDF [en]
  • Curriculum: PDF [ger]
  • Course offerings in mdwOnline
  • Dates and requirements for committee-evaluated final exams: listed on the website of the Department of Early Music

Upcoming Events

You’re cordially invited to attend our student recitals. They’re a good opportunity to speak with students and teaching staff members in person! Admission is free. You’ll find our event schedule under Events.

Applying for this Programme of Study

  1. The document “Information on Entrance Examinations” (download link above) informs you about what you need to prepare for this examination. Some documents (such as your exam programme) need to be uploaded as part of the online registration process.
  2. Please set up an applicant account in mdwOnline if you don’t already have an mdwOnline account from another mdw programme of study.
  3. Log into your account, click on “Entrance Exam Registration”, and then on the link “Enter new application” at the upper right. Follow the instructions that appear. If you can’t find a particular programme of study in the online registration system, it means either that the registration deadline has passed or that registration is not yet possible!
  4. If German is not your first language, please submit documentation of your German skills. You’ll find more detailed information on this in the document “Information on Entrance Examinations”.
  5. Important: If you are a citizen of a “third country” (from a country not belonging to the EU/EEA; exceptions: Switzerland and Liechtenstein), please inform yourself in a timely manner concerning the applicable requirements for entering and staying in Austria.
  6. Once you’ve registered to take the entrance exam, you’ll receive an E-mail that informs you of your assigned exam date.
  7. Take the entrance examination. Remember to bring along a photo ID.

After the Entrance Examination

  1. You’ll receive the results of your entrance exam by E-mail.
  2. If you have passed the entrance exam, you’ll still need to register in order to be enrolled and commence your studies at the mdw. You can do so by visiting the Studies Center within the admissions period; please bring along your passport or personal ID.
  3. You can find out about the further steps you need to take in the brochure “New at the mdw?”.