Music Education (IGP)


Master’s degree programme

Informations about admission examinations HERE.
  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Graduation as a: Master of Arts (MA)
  • Prerequisite: successful entrance exam; documentation of German skills (please see “Information on Entrance Examinations”), prior completion of a thematically related bachelor’s degree or diploma programme

The MA programme aims to train highly qualified instrumental and vocal teachers. Graduates should be able to do justice to the changing demands made by the actual practice of this profession. The objective of training is in particular the further development of the technical and interpretive abilities that students are capable of bringing to bear on their chosen instruments (or in working with their voices), along with cultivation of students’ ability to work independently in scholarly and/or instructional capacities related to their chosen art. Taking into account students’ prior professional experience and in recognition of informal learning, the Music Education for Voice and Instruments programme is also offered in project-oriented variants. These variants focus on the acquisition of special abilities relevant to the planning and conduct of artistic, scholarly, and educational projects as well as projects of a mixed nature.