
MASTERCLASS | Blockflöte | Lorenzo CAVASANTI

Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Lorenzo Cavasanti was born in Genoa and is regarded as one of the finest recorder player of the time. After graduating in recorder and baroque transverse flute in Milan, under the guidance of Pedro Memelsdorff and Ezequiel Maria Recondo, he took part in recorder and early music Masterclasses held by Frans Brüggen, Kees Boeke and […]


Studio Alte Musik Seilerstätte 8, Wien, Austria

Sounds & Colours - Different types and sizes of recorders Lorenzo Cavasanti   Eintritt frei!


MASTERCLASS | Blockflöte | Lorenzo CAVASANTI

Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Lorenzo Cavasanti was born in Genoa and is regarded as one of the finest recorder player of the time. After graduating in recorder and baroque transverse flute in Milan, under the guidance of Pedro Memelsdorff and Ezequiel Maria Recondo, he took part in recorder and early music Masterclasses held by Frans Brüggen, Kees Boeke and […]

KONZERT | Lorenzo CAVASANTI & friends

Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Werke von A. Stradella, G. A. Pandolfi Mealli, J. H. Schmelzer, A. Caldara, G. B. Vitali, M. Marais, A. D. Philidor, J. M. Hotteterre   Lorenzo Cavasanti, Blockflöte und der Mitwirkung von: Carsten Eckert, Blockflöten Ekaterina Likhina, Cembalo Marius Malanetchi, Viola da Gamba   Eintritt frei