Festsaal Seilerstätte Seilerstätte 26, Wien, Austria

Studierende von Prof. Carsten Eckert   Péter Kőszeghy (*1971) AMOK (Schock) (2002) für verzerrte/verstärkte Bassblockflöte und Percussion Luca Anna Várhelyi, Blockflöte; Ferenc György Regős, Schlagzeug; Ferenc Németh, Sound Nicola Fiorenza (nach 1700-1764) Concerto la minore per flauto, Napoli, 1726 _Grave _Allegro _Grave _Allegro Elisa Ramberger, Blockflöte Reinhard Führer, Cembalo Sobin Jo, Cembalo Paul Leenhouts (*1957) […]


Bankettsaal mdw Anton-von-Webern-Platz, 1, Wien, Austria

Die Veranstaltung wird institutsintern live-gestreamt und findet ohne Publikum statt. Es spielen Studierende von Carsten Eckert und Gäste. Lachrimae antiquae novae   John Dowland (1563-1626) aus „Lachrimae, or Seven Tears“, London 1604: Lachrimae antiquae novae Lachrimae amantis Sohyeun Cho, Blockflöte Barbora Špelinová, Blockflöte Eunsol Lee, Blockflöte Luca Anna Várhelyi, Blockflöte Štefan Tokár, Blockflöte   Louis […]


Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien, Austria

Eifrig streiten, eifrig kämpfen - also: "CONCERTARE!…" ist das Motto dieses Klassenkonzertes im prächtigen Ehrbar-Saal, Mühlgasse 30, 1040 Wien, zu dem wir herzlich einladen!   Es spielen Studierende von Carsten Eckert und Gäste: Peter Chorkov, Tomaš Duchoslav, Gellért Jassó, Eunsol Lee, Chiayu Lin, Chihchun Liu, Barbora Špelinová (Blockflöten), On-You Kim (Barockvioline) Maria Shabashova, Rui Cai […]


Studio Alte Musik Seilerstätte 8, Wien, Austria

A way to medieval repertory with flutes and recorders: tuning, musica ficta, character of the notes, ornamentation etc.   Eintritt frei  


Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien, Austria

Es spielen Studierende von Carsten Eckert und Gäste.   INVENTIO Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)    Fantasie Nr. 1 in C-Dur (orig. A-Dur) TWV40:2 Vivace - Allegro Chiayu Lin, Blockflöte   Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)               Invention Nr. 5, BWV 776 Invention Nr. 13, BWV 784 Invention Nr. 3, BWV […]


MASTERCLASS | Blockflöte | Lorenzo CAVASANTI

Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Lorenzo Cavasanti was born in Genoa and is regarded as one of the finest recorder player of the time. After graduating in recorder and baroque transverse flute in Milan, under the guidance of Pedro Memelsdorff and Ezequiel Maria Recondo, he took part in recorder and early music Masterclasses held by Frans Brüggen, Kees Boeke and […]


MASTERCLASS | Blockflöte | Lorenzo CAVASANTI

Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Lorenzo Cavasanti was born in Genoa and is regarded as one of the finest recorder player of the time. After graduating in recorder and baroque transverse flute in Milan, under the guidance of Pedro Memelsdorff and Ezequiel Maria Recondo, he took part in recorder and early music Masterclasses held by Frans Brüggen, Kees Boeke and […]


MASTERCLASS | Blockflöte | Lorenzo CAVASANTI

Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Lorenzo Cavasanti was born in Genoa and is regarded as one of the finest recorder player of the time. After graduating in recorder and baroque transverse flute in Milan, under the guidance of Pedro Memelsdorff and Ezequiel Maria Recondo, he took part in recorder and early music Masterclasses held by Frans Brüggen, Kees Boeke and […]


Kleiner Ehrbar-Saal Mühlgasse 30, Wien

Es spielen Studierende der Klasse von Carsten Eckert und Gäste. Eintritt frei.   Giovanni Buonaventura Viviani (1638-1692) aus "Capricci armonici da Chiesa e da Camera à Violino solo cioè Sinfonie, Toccate, Sonate… et Sonate per Tromba" Venezia 1678: Toccata I Eunsol Lee, Blockflöte Maria Shabashova, Cembalo     Alessandro Striggio (ca.1536-1592) aus "Primo libro de […]