Your appearance, please! Mental training for stage and podium

With Mag. Jörg Zwicker

In music, just as in competitive sports, the goal is to deliver the best performance at hour X, regardless of internal or external influences. Poor regeneration and stage fright cause our concentration to drop, stress symptoms block our performance and often lead to traumatic experiences on stage. The workshop will inform about the biological background of stress and stage fright and their effects on our performance. Counteracting exercises will be shown, different moments of stress during a performance will be analyzed, and it will be examined which mental training technique can be applied purposefully and meaningfully.


  • Things to know about stress
  • Recognize and prevent stress traps
  • Stage fright
  • Mental training - tools, exercises and techniques
  • in vivo performance coaching

Target group: Students and alumni of the mdw

The workshop is free of charge and can be taken as an elective at the mdw.


01. February 2024  09:30-13:30 and
28. February 2024  13:30-17:30


Festsaal, S1 A EG01, Seilerstätte 26, 1010 Wien
, Lothringerstraße 18, 1030 Wien


ECTS: The workshop is free of charge and counts as 10 hrs. à 60 min. incl. preparation and postprocessing for the Career Center elective course.