Center for Further Education (ZfW)

The Career Center regularly develops and organizes courses and workshops in cooperation with the Center for Further Education at mdw, in the coming academic year on the topics of "Contracts in the Music Business & Tips on Negotiating Fees" in the winter semester 2023/24 and "New Concert Formats" in the summer semester 2024. In addition, workshops on the topics of "Tax and Social Security-Basic Knowledge", "Taxes and Fees" and "Innovation in Classical Music" will be held in cooperation with mica. In addition to this special offer, we would like to recommend all courses and workshops of the Center for Further Education at mdw, which are open to all members of mdw and interested persons.

A complete overview of all courses offered by the Center for Continuing Education can be found here:

Center of Further Education (ZfW)

Program Center of further education 2023/24


mica - Music Austria

mica offers on its website under Music Austria - Praxiswissen interesting information on various topics from the music world. If, after reviewing the documents, questions remain unanswered, the MICA staff will be happy to answer them personally.
Furthermore, the brochure "Survival in the Music Business - Handbook for Composers & Musicians in Austria" is available via upload.

MICA link

Tel: +43 1 52104 0