How do I create application documents?
Designing cover letters, biographies and CVs for musicians


In this lecture, participants will receive a guide on how to write cover letters to event organisers and how to structure biographies with tips, tricks and information on templates for contracts and fee notes. We will also talk about the differences to applying for an advertised position using the example of music schools and go through step by step how to design application documents including a tabular CV.


  • How do I apply to event organisers and acquire concerts?
  • How do I write a biography?
  • What materials do I need to send and in what form?
  • How do I react to an acceptance or rejection and what happens next?
  • How does applying for a concert differ from applying for an advertised position, for example at a music school?
  • How should a CV in tabular form be structured?



(c)Christian Schneider


Course lecturer Franziska Wallner

Franziska Wallner studied clarinet at the Mozarteum University Salzburg, taught as an instrumental teacher for several years and played the clarinet in various orchestral and opera productions as well as in her own ensembles at festivals, concerts, film and media productions. In addition to her musical activities, she obtained a certification in project management, heads the Institute for Coaching & Career and in this context also the Career Centre of the Mozarteum University and is responsible for the KinderUni, Uni 55+ and the placement exchange for artists. From 2020 to 2023 she was project manager and team leader for the interdisciplinary and inter-university project Spot On MozART. Since 2024, Franziska Wallner has been one of the two representatives of the IG freie Musikschaffende for the province of Salzburg and a member of the nationwide core team. She is also a co-founder of the association ‘JEDE*RFRAU - künstlerische und feministische Impulse in Salzburg’ and is active as an organiser in this context.

An offer of the Career Center of Mozarteum Salzburg.



TU, 22.10.2024
5-7 p.m.

online via ZOOM

The webinar, including preparation and follow-up, counts as 3h of 60 minutes for the Career Center elective

Until 18.10.2024 to