The following articles are all written from a professional point of view. The first provides you with an overview of the auditioning process and with tips on how best to prepare for one. The others get you up to speed on proper invoicing and up-to-date strategies for successfully starting your career as a freelance artist. There, it’s above all questions about social insurance, copyright, exploitation rights, and how to go about marketing yourself and your art.

The series of articles entitled Got My Diploma! What Now? was developed and published by the U30 Network of the Austrian Music Council (ÖMR) in cooperation with mica and the mdw (

Got the diploma! What now? - Overview

After successfully completing their studies at a university of music, a lot of students wonder where to go from there. Because people who want to make money as professional musicians are forced to confront challenges and questions that they rarely had to deal with while still students.

“Where can I find a suitable job?” “How do I have to insure myself?” Or: “Am I now officially a freelancer or an entrepreneur?” These are just a few of the questions that arise.

1st page of the PDF file "Got the diploma? What now?"


Self-Marketing for Musicians - PF, Marketing, Newsletters & Social Media

In today’s digital age, many young artists wonder about how to best go about marketing themselves—especially if they’re just starting their careers as musicians.

1st page of the PDF file "Self-Marketing for Musicians"

The Invoice That Leaves No Questions Unanswered

For any client or event organiser, an incomplete invoice is an annoyance. And for artists, as well, the back-and-forth necessary to put things right is likewise annoying—not to mention time-consuming. Besides which: the more complete the information on your invoice is, the faster you’ll receive the amount of money you’ve agreed upon. So it really does pay to put some effort into getting your invoices right the first time.

Picture of the 1st page of the PDF document "The Invoice That Leaves No Questions Unanswered"

A Brief Guide for Musicians Embarking on their Careers

For this article, 100 members of 15 professional orchestras were surveyed to find out their views on applications and auditions. It provides a brief guide for musicians embarking on their careers.

1st page of the PDF file "On the Art of Successful Self-Presentation"

Insured - Sure Thing!

1st page of the PDF file "Insure - Sure Thing!"


It's getting serious: Useful Information on Being a “New Freelancer”

Musicians and Composers often work as New Freelancers ("Neue Selbständige"). The following article informs about the special taxes and social insurance regulations concerning this group.

1st page of the PDF file "Useful Information on Being a New Freelancer

Onstage at Last!

The many hours in the rehearsal room have paid off, and your ensemble or band is planning its first concert. Or maybe you’re planning not just a single performance, but an event that features several.

1st page of the PDF file "Playing and Organising Your Own Concerts"


Projektmanagement for selfemployed musicians

How do I realise a project as a musician? The individual steps from the planning phases to the implementation are shown here.

1st page of the PDF file "Self-Marketing for Musicians"


Talking Business: Contracts and Free Negotiations

So you and one or more colleagues are on the same musical wavelength and have decided to form an ensemble or a band. No matter whether your music-making together is still just in the rehearsal room or you’re already planning a worldwide career, it’s worthwhile to put down some basics in writing straight away.


1st page of the PDF file "Talking Business: Contracts and Free Negotiations"


Getting Your Music Out There

Are you in the process of recording your first CD, your first track, or maybe even an album? Or maybe you’re planning to? If so, good … because in this era of YouTube, iTunes, and the rest, artists simply can’t afford not to have their recordings and videos be present on the major platforms!


1st page of the PDF file "Getting Your Music Out There"


AKM? AUME? LSG? - A Path through the Jungle of Collective Rights Management

Are you in the process of recording your first CD, your first track, or maybe even an album? Or maybe you’re planning to? If so, good … because in this era of YouTube, iTunes, and the rest, artists simply can’t afford not to have their recordings and videos be present on the major platforms!


1st page of the PDF file "AKM? AUME? LSG?


Fundraising, Subsidies, Sponsoring, Foundations, Crowdfunding, Donations

You are planning a concert, a film or theatre project, you would like to promote your own CD or your concert tour? In this article you will find useful information about financing opportunities.

1st page of the PDF file "Fundraising etc."

Let's Talk Money! Good Things to Know About Subsidies and Financing

A seemingly endless number of guidelines, submission deadlines, and application forms can quickly leave you feeling lost in the jungle of public financial support options. And putting together your applications can present you with new challenges. But once you’ve overcome this hurdle, sent off your materials, and - ideally - received a positive response, you’ll be handling it like a pro in no time flat.

1st page of the PDF file "Let`s talk money"


The Artistic Biography

Eigene Website

The Künstler-Sozialversicherungsfonds KSVF (Artists' Social Insurance Fund)


The Künster-Sozialversicherungsfonds (Artists' Social Insurance Fund) KSVF offers support for the social insurance contributions of self-employed artists, can provide financial assistance in special emergencies and collects contributions to raise the necessary funds. The KSVF is the interface between artists and the Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed. The KSVF itself is not an insurance institution.

Contribution subsidy & retirement notification:

Self-employed artists who are compulsorily insured with the Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed (SVS) and would like to apply for a subsidy to reduce their insurance contributions can find more information and the necessary forms on the website of KSVF. Instructions are also available there for submitting a temporary suspension if the artistic activity is terminated and unemployment benefit is to be applied for.

Support fund & Covid-19 fund:

Violin stolen? Loss of income due to illness? Existence-threatening situation due to exceptional circumstances? In exceptional emergencies, KSVF can support artists in Austria who have their main place of residence there with up to 5,000 euros. This support can be granted as a one-off payment or, in rare cases, as regular financial assistance. There is no legal entitlement to benefits from the support fund.

All information and forms can be found on their official website

Further sources of information:

The Interessengemeinschaft Freie Theaterarbeit (IGFT) provides free, detailed information material on the KSVF on its website. 
The music information center mica - music austria also provides an overview of the KSVF on its website.

Despite careful research, all information is subject to change.