Composition Lab Iannotta


Monday, November 04, 2024 | 6 p.m. 

Musikverein Wien | Gläserner Saal | Magna Auditorium



Clara Iannotta

"earthing — dead wasps (obituary)"  for string quartet and electronics

Yoko Konishi

Melting Beings (UA)

Giuseppe Franza

Electrical parasites infect an imaginary maze (UA)

Clara Iannotta

"echo from afar (ii)" for six instruments and electronics

Yuheng Chen

"A lone Wheat Grain fell to the field - still solitary." for ensemble with amplified objects. Version 2024


Clara Iannotta is "Composer in Focus" 2024/25 at the Vienna Musikverein. Her works have been commissioned and premiered by renowned ensembles such as the Arditti Quartet and the Ensemble intercontemporain. She has been a professor of composition at the mdw since 2023.

Together with two of her own compositions, she presents three new works by young composers Yoko Konishi, Giuseppe Franza, and Yuheng Chen, all three students of Clara Iannotta at the mdw. "In close collaboration with them, I wanted to help them explore new musical landscapes and create pieces that reflect their different approaches to sound and composition".

Yoko Konishi's composition "Melting Beings" is inspired by the melting ice of Antarctica, Giuseppe Franza's new work deals with sounds from the world of electricity and disturbing noises that we encounter in everyday life and Yuheng Chen uses a quotation from the Bible to form sounds, a texture and ultimately structures in his personal language.

The Tacet Quartet and the Ensemble Argo Kollektiv, both specialized in contemporary music, will perform these new works.

A cooperation with Wien Modern and the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna.


The concert will be followed by a discussion with the evening's composers in the Gläserner Saal. Moderation: Bernhard Günther (Wien Modern).




Tacet Quartett

Youngseo Kim, violin

Reina Yoshioka, violin

Jing-Yi Zhai, viola

Irini Liu, violoncello


Ensemble Argo Kollektiv

Youngseo Kim, violin

Reina Yoshioka, violin

Jing-Yi Zhai, viola

Namdar Majidi, violoncello

Lina Digka, flute

Juan Moreda, saxophone

Panos Nikitaris, piano

Taikan Yamasaki, percussion


Clara Iannotta ©François Roelants, Académie de France à Rome

Yoko Konishi ©David Fierro

Giuseppe Franza ©Maria Nicolina Baldascino

Yuheng Chen ©┬® XUMA




General ticket sales from 11.09.2024

20 € per ticket