The following departments offer elective subjects for all fields of study at the mdw.

Institut für Kulturmanagement und Gender Studies (IKM)

The Career Center would like to draw your special attention to the elective courses offered by the Institute for Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM). The topics range from "Project Management in the Music Business", "Music, Globalization and Cultural Differences" to "Innovative Cultural Policy", "Music Economics", "World Class Artists and New Artists Models" and "Art and Cultural Law".

Logo IKM

You can find the courses here

Abteilung für Musikphysiologie

The courses in breath and body work, perception and movement training, voice development, concentration practice, and relaxation techniques are open to all mdw students.

Logo Abteilung Musikphysiologie

The Certificate in Advanced Studies in Music Physiology offers an interesting additional qualification in the field of prevention, body work and mental training and is aimed at both graduated musicians and advanced students.


Institut für Musiksoziologie

Sociology of Music focuses on questions such as:

"To what extent do the audiences of popfest wien differ from those of the Vienna State Opera? Why is music in some societies written down, while in others not? Why do so few women play in pop and rock bands? And what does personal taste in music have to do with people's social status?"

The lectures, seminars, and proseminars are open to all mdw students as free elective subject

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